Not a clue. They got it from inside of one of the big box stores or grocery stores, so I guess from one of those little kiosks they sometimes have.
Not a clue. They got it from inside of one of the big box stores or grocery stores, so I guess from one of those little kiosks they sometimes have.
There was a service that only charged if the phone was used that day. A family member of mine would turn on their phone once a month, check messages, make a few calls, and then turn the phone off until the next month. I think they were paying about $2 a month.
I’m pretty sure there was an honorary darwin award given to a man who used a live .22 round to put in place as a fuse in his car. The angle was apparently just right to have the bullet hit both balls.
One of the few sad things about a transition to a car free(er) environment: no more bucees. They pay well, their bathrooms are great, and their food, though expensive, is great.
Also, you reminded me about the local gas station where I once worked nearby. They had better food, though it was all fried, than any place within a 20 minute drive.
The best explanation (ever) for a sovereign citizen is found in a legal opinion by a Canadian judge. He spends about 176 pages delineating their beliefs, origins, and manner of interacting with the legal system.
It reminds me of the welded-in-a-barn APC that the cartels in mexico have.
I know that where I live, a doctor can do something that makes the driver’s license folks have to hold a hearing on the individual. As far as I know, it’s almost never done because the doctor is going to 1.) be sued, and 2.) be dragged through the mud by the dipshit and nearly every single person who knows the dipshit. For most, it’s just not worth it.
You’re not alone in not caring. Consider how many people will rail against motorcycles, but ignore worse activities. Horse riding is about 25x as dangerous as riding a motorcycle. How many folks do you see who are willing to tell a random person they see on a horse how dangerous the activity is? Yet I get random dipsticks who feel they’re doing the lord’s work when they come up to me on my bike and tell me what they think of the dangers of motorcycles.
making a small profit
Right, this is what people always gloss over to just say that eventually the bet will be too big to sustain. Even if you win repeatedly, the bets you make after 3 or 4 losses are vast in comparison the amount you’ll ‘gain’ per win. For the doubling (Martingale strategy), if your bet starts at $1, and you win $2 off of that, it doesn’t matter how much you are eventually betting, you’ll only make $1 for the whole cycle.
The tripling helps for the profit angle, somewhat. I ran the numbers for total amount of times betting before a win for net win. I wish the formatting let me make tables, but oh well.
Total Times Bet(bet amount): total of bet: net winning:
1 (1) … 1 … 1
2 (3) … 4 … 2
3 (9) … 13 … 5
4 (27) … 40 … 16
5 (81) … 121 … 41
6 (243) … 364 … 122
7 (729) … 1093 … 365
8 (2187) …3280 … 1094
9 (6561) … 9841 … 3281
10 (19683) … 29524… 9842
I think you may be making a mountain out of a mole hill. If they’re asking you to make him take it, we all know that’s a violation of informed consent to medical treatment laws/practices/standards. It doesn’t sound like that though. It seems as if they just want you to document whether the patient takes it or not. If they’re alert and oriented, it should be obvious when you give it to them whether or not that happens within, say 10 seconds. 10 seconds isn’t really invasive. If the patient gets upset that you’re watching him take it for that long, pass it off as you’re just documenting whether or not he took it.
If they are wanting you to make the patient take it, well… bring up concerns to a supervisor you trust, and chart that you spent time trying to convince the patient to take the medication (better known as, the 5 seconds you talked to the patient about this being a doctor’s orders for medication).
As my boss said in one of those stupid floor meetings we always had to have, “if they have [the competitor’s] card in their wallet, and not ours, who do you think they’re going to?” God, I got sick of asking folks to sign up.
Well that wasn’t what I expected to hear. I’m curious why their heating supplies are falling/failing. Isn’t oil the one thing they actually have an excess of?
I can’t answer about why you wouldn’t normally bruise, but when people drink alcohol, the skin becomes flushed. This is because one of alcohol’s effects is to open the arterioles that feed capillary beds on/near the skin. It’s also why it’s not a good idea to drink alcohol to warm yourself; you’ll feel warmer because your skin is flushed (sort of the same reason why inflammation tends to feel hot, though there blood is ‘leaking’ from your vessels due to certain bioregulators), but you’ll be losing heat more quickly in contact with cold environments. Your typical bruise comes from the capillary beds being damaged, thus if you are drinking and have more blood in your capillary beds, you’ll be more likely to bruise.
For why you don’t normally bruise? You might just have pretty efficient arterioles that close off the capillary beds. You might also have very osmotic interstitial fluid, which means your cells are at the same osmolarity, and would tend to ‘suck up’ the blood that would be otherwise ‘lost’ (as in, out of place in the area it’s in) and distribute its contents. We’d have to experiment a little and see what happens under different circumstances. Try to bruise you when you are already hot (which will cause your skin capillary beds to open, again flushing the skin), see if different fluids with dye in them injected in certain areas will ‘bruise’ you, etc.
Public service might be your stick. Firefighter/medic is almost exactly your experience with the new situations every few hours, downtime, having a strong sense of community. Police have a similar feel, if you’re in a more rural area. You’ll never have the same situation twice, even if things are similar, and you’ll almost always have a partner (or more, depending on if the whole truck shows up with the box) to depend on.
What’s your favorite dinosaur? Mine was definitely the utah raptor, after reading that one book written in the first person about what it’s life might have been. But then again, big and lethal stuff is coooool, so King T might be a contender.