Crazy that what was considered to be a global superpower is resorting to these kind of jerry rigged attacks.
Vintage Story, on a good server, lots of fun! Haven’t really been playing anything else lately.
Just cancelled my XBox Ultimate Game Pass…bunch of nonsense.
Literally just a rant on Zero Punctuation about “AC” games - Assassin’s Creed, Animal Crossing, Armored Core, I forget the list. (Also Asheron’s Call I guess)
Empire was so well played, going from amicable to terrifying. Lee Pace makes that show!
Always reminds me of one of my favorite books (part of a series) The Collapsium by Will McCarthy. A big part of the book is their version of teleporting which does involve destruction and recreation, but while you’re at it you could make more than one copy at the destination…
There are probably multiple indie game bubbles, like roguelike card game bubbles or Metroidvania 2d retro 16 bit graphics game bubbles.
That link just seemst to be a mastadon feed and I cna’t seem to get any info about the engine from there.
My google news feed is like all Starfield now - getting ridiculous and i’m expecting by tomorrow will be like “Should you make french toast and eat it while playing Starfield?”
I just know what she’s saying too “we you have a free moment i need to talk to you”
They do for some, I think it’s to avoid unwanted AI interactions if something happens inside the house.
Sniping pirates and leaving them sitting in odd poses is oddly sad. Sometimes they freeze in place sitting on a couch or whatever. Low G has some weird stuff going on when you kill someone too, although watching dead bodies slowly float down is a neat touch.
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I have an XBox One S (and a PC) - really hits home when in Game Stop with my kids and they were looking around (mainly for figures and such), and i’m like “there’s nothing for me here”. Of course I haven’t bought a physical PC title in over 10 years now that I think of it. I feel for the shop owners, they haven nothing for me to buy and I used to like going to shop around. Come to think of it I used to go to book stores quite often too, but not since i got my first kindle.
I did recently re-buy an Xbox 360 and it is kind of nice to browse second hand shops and such and just pickup a game that I can just play without internet etc.
Yeah that’s a cruise missile I thought?
Ah i see ignore my other comment - didn’t realize synology did remote backup as well as storage.
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I usually try and at least look on other sites first, Amazon’s prices aren’t necessarily the best (in fact it’s usually guaranteed that they aren’t) and it’s hard to know what you’re getting. For somethings though it’s fine like phone cases etc; stuff you would kind of expect to be garbage anyways and it’s often hard to find the exact things in a local store.
There’s just enough ok shows on Prime to watch as well, it’s like they know exactly what they can get away with.
(Now their stack tv in Canada is basically useless garbage, page after page of episodes that “aren’t available right now”…so why show them then)
VIntage Story one of the coziest games around.