Interesting point. I’ll keep it in mind.
Interesting point. I’ll keep it in mind.
Couldn’t it be weaponized right back at them. What’s stopping an individual?
And they expect that a 16-year-old won’t figure that out…
I guess we’ll see what happens.
So you live in a world that isn’t run by the rich?
I wonder who RFK got his idea from.
I’m definitely anti-Russia, but this is only useful as propaganda. What would be useful would be a full on meta-analysis of numerous countries’ accuracy in poverty measurement vurses actual (or maybe estimated) poverty, alongside a scale of percentage of resources devoted to the remediation of poverty.
I think such an analysis would solidly prove your point.
Your scientists were so concerned about whether or not they could that they never stopped to think about whether they should.
I was at that talk. I’ve never been inspired by an in person speaker like that. Makes one want to unionize.
I’m shocked, shocked, I tell you!
It disappoints me that the level of regulatory capture prevents these companies from being held to account.
I’ve got one of those laptop chips and I feel exactly the same. I’m going to be watching my temps very closely. My trust is absolutely gone
Wow. That’s really awful! I definitely feel some kind of way about not being surprised about that too.
My wife stopped wearing a pentagram and we took down our love your neighbor sign, you know the one that has that same phrase and several different languages…
Turns out the Christians are too unlike their Christ.
But if China sees chip making as a state asset, I wonder if, knowing this, they may now be able to prevent it.
They were exceptionally difficult to find to install the app. That alone will keep them from being successful. Add to that that the app is not particularly impressive… I’m not sure if their chances.
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Biggest difference in my eyes is that with a layoff you at least get to choose who leaves but in this case you only lose the best and most qualified.
Nice work Dell.
Porque no los dos?