My point from a legal standpoint is that ‘fighting words’ are not protected speech
My point from a legal standpoint is that ‘fighting words’ are not protected speech
Like it or not, that’s been the interpretation since the founding of the US. It is not the case in some other countries, but I’m assuming we are talking about the US here. What most people miss is it only restricts the government from punishing your speech, not private entities. Insults, defamation, and lies, are absolutely allowed, but you can be found liable civilly for any damage done by this speech either through punitive damages (lawsuit settlement) or other means, deplatforming, loss of employment, etc.
threats, calls for hatred, are a bit of a gray area. It depends on the severity of the threat, but true threats can be prosecuted.
Hate speech is generally allowed, but if it is inciteful enough to be a true threat, it too can be prosecuted.
If you’d like to read up on true threats, see below:
Honestly, the latter is absolutely free speech. They are 100% free to say that shit if they want. They are not free however from consequences, i.e. getting hit in the mouth, fired from their job, etc.
I didn’t even watch season 2. Season 1 was so colossally bad.
Trump says a lot of things. Most are absolutely brain dead takes.
Mechanic. I have the tools and know how to fix my own car so long as we’re not talking about an engine rebuild, (and even that I could do and have done in the past, but it’s a pain in the ass usually and I don’t wanna). I enjoy the tinkering and troubleshooting. If it were a more desirable and high paying gig, I could see myself doing it for work. I also am IT support for my boomer mom.
Probably similar experience as this lady who left a butt plug in, but instead of an anal rail gun, it’d be a stomach rail shotgun.
Honestly, that’s kinda a win. The cover art guy looks like Trump so I won’t have to see that stupid fucking face.
They certainly have 1 at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Plus, God King Trump said that the metric system is woke DEI
I get it, but it’s what all our ovens and recipes say here. Even if there’s a way to change it on the oven, the recipes are still going to be in F, and then you’re going to have to do a bunch of conversions, so doesn’t make much sense here.
Lol yes. We are weird in America
Frozen broccoli on baking sheet. Toss with olive oil and seasoning ( I like to use Montreal steak)
425° for 25 minutes
Stir halfway through cooking. It’s easy, no smell, and easy to remember bc 425 twice. (425 ° for 25 minutes)
That’s MY Bush good sir. It was made by Matt and Tre IIRC
Dibs on the mini gyro
I didn’t mean to take it from him, I just meant like what if he just decided he wanted to blow some shit up one day? It just seemed nuts that a random guy could just own a hundred + tanks.
OP needs to hit the gym or something. I’ve always pulled them with my hand and never had a single issue.
To clarify, not the guy in the pic, but a local who had a collection
A long time ago, I used to deliver groceries to this guy. Other drivers told me it was not uncommon to see him driving a tank around on his property when he was in better health, but when I was doing the deliveries he was basically on hospice. I got to peek at the collection once when the blinds were left open. I always thought it was wild that private people could own such vehicles. They had the firing pins removed and had been unarmed to some extent, but I feel like it wouldn’t be hard to reactivate them if one was so motivated.
She told me I could call her fediverse chick. I believe that’s her preferred nomenclature OP