We have one of those models, the most recent item to meet the destructive force of his tail was the glass to our china cabinet, shattered.
Obligatory picture of said model.
We have one of those models, the most recent item to meet the destructive force of his tail was the glass to our china cabinet, shattered.
Obligatory picture of said model.
I proof read multiple times but still make a bunch of mistakes and I am a native English speaker. I always had trouble concentrating in class.
I asked once and they looked at me funny so that’s why I do the opposite now. It seems to work. /s
I’m pretty easy, I just ask for it to be cut shorter and go with whatever they suggest.
The average salary is around $68k source
edit I should say median, not average.
When my wife asks me to do something suddenly I stop procrastinating on my tasks… however the thing she asked me to do… well…
But in all seriousness my medication helps me focus a lot but doesn’t solve all my problems. I find thinking of the bad outcomes if I was to procrastinate longer, helps a bit.
Black lab/great dane, he’s a goofy idiot that loves trying to be a lap dog.