I never actually tried myself, but it seems like the documentation certainly could be improved. I saw that they provide a Docker compose, so perhaps that could be of help if you didn’t use that the last time around. They are currently in the process of cleaning up the projects to make things more maintainable and easier to get an overview, so let’s hope things might improve a bit. I think for me personally, this certainly seems like the most promising Discord replacement because it feels like a set and get solution for non-techy people trying to switch instead of relearning everything like with Matrix.
Just know that sites like this are useless if you don’t understand the results. There are anti-fingerprinting techniques that add random noise to your fingerprint. This might result in these kind of tests claiming you have a completely unique fingerprint, even though the anti-fingerprinting mechanisms randomise the fingerprint for every site, browser session, etc. (depending on the config). This would mean that you are relatively „safe“ from fingerprinting because you never have the same print twice but tests think you are very vulnerable because it’s still a random “unique“ fingerprint.