I know everyone hates it but i loved it at the time and I’m scared to watch it again because I’d probably hate it now but avatar😭 i want it to be good
I know everyone hates it but i loved it at the time and I’m scared to watch it again because I’d probably hate it now but avatar😭 i want it to be good
Dont call me Shirley!
Luigi did his part
Thank you for irritated starfish, made me chuckle
Plineys writings serve the same purpose. An example of knowledge brought to my by beer.
I think plant-based is the diet choice and veganism is the lifestyle. I got corrected by someone who was plant based. They didn’t want to associate with vegans
I agree. It doesn’t cost a lot to buy lentils and make dal, but it takes time.
The problem is really our entire food system is geared towards profit and the excessive suffering that comes from that. If you want to eat meat a little more ethically…you have to spend more or have the time to raise animals yourself.
Vegans vs meat-eaters is distraction from humans vs industrialized food. Vegans are correct about the suffering of animals, but those that focus on preaching to convert would find their time best spent being compassionate to those that can’t make changes.
Some small changes include:
I mean to do it all at once is not easy. Making small changes over time can improve health and save money. Thinking about the suffering of the animals can be detrimental, because you may associate making vegan choices with thoughts of animal suffering. I used to subscribe to a vegan magazine, but half of it was amazing recipes, and the other half was distressing animal stories.
mushy peas (use margarine or olive oil instead of butter)
mushroom “forcemeat” and other substitutes
You’re not a terrible human if you eat meat! It’s not easy to change, but doing a little bit can go a long way. See if you can cut it down ❤
Séances for cow ghosts 🐄 👻
That took a turn I hope that suicide will be legal and safe before you have to make that choice.
This happens at my job too. Overall the benefits of my union far outweigh how shit they are and the union dues. I’d rather have a crappy union than none at all.
I know my company would screw me over much worse than my union and company combined if there was no union.
Topiramate reduces alcohol cravings
I assumed earthy forests and mushrooms and was now want to forage :)
Multivitamins marketed to the elderly are usually a great deal less expensive with similar or identical content. I found this out while comparing vitamins during pregnancy, just had to add extra folate.
To add on to your ‘looking busy’ skills…In Moving Pictures, sir Terry Pratchett points out that if you have a determined fast walk and a piece of paper in your hand, you can go anywhere. I used to use this technique to get breaks in the office. I’d just grab a piece of paper and quickly walk the length of the building with a determined expression.
Hard agree! I’m about 20 pages from the end of 3 and love this series!
There are more secrets! I’m at the end of book 3 and still having secrets revealed.
I use it on my baby’s chin to prevent dribble rash.
You were right, lawyer said no press.
And it would make my company look bad, as they should, but its not just them. The law should mandate procedures to protect parents. Even for transportation workers.
Did you read the book? I haven’t seen the movie or read the book, but I just read mcarthys the road and it was excellent, no country is next on my list. Hopefully the book can redeem it for you, but if it’s all a sour taste just read the road. It made me realize the point wasn’t an explanation about what did happen or what would happen, he was exploring the relationship of father and son through what was happening.