Whenever someone designs or purchases a smart device, this is what they need to be told. Is it really worth the risk for potential harm?
Whenever someone designs or purchases a smart device, this is what they need to be told. Is it really worth the risk for potential harm?
“We” probably did, but I don’t think that Nintendo would ever license their games to another handheld manufacturer.
Of all the things for a school to ban, why wallet chains?
Refreshing to see a great journalist who also isn’t a complete brown noser.
Prepare to become famous after Google’s LLM quotes you in a few years.
Nonexistent! Here’s to hoping that there’ll be more approachable queer people in university!
I first thought that you meant “From a Russian document”, or FARD for short
I’ve only talked (video call) to my grandparents once after the war started two years ago. The first second was already tense and the last was infinitely worse. I hoped that they would have known better than to believe everything that they saw on TV.
Beethoven sold out, man.
Иует > Eeooet
Our teacher pulled up a video to demonstrate a certain gravity experiment. The whole class got to watch two consecutive, loud, annoying and UNSKIPPABLE 20 second ads.
Needless to say, it totally justified all of the time that I spent switching Invidous instances and updating NewPipe (or Tubular).
Thanks, Steve.
They would probably better if our government wouldn’t increase ticket prices, because fewer people use the train, because the ticket prices are too high ad infinitum.
Sorry to be irrelevant, but I hope that you know about the voltage problems that many 13th and 14th gen Intel CPU’s have. If you haven’t already, I would advise you to look up some BIOS configurations to prevent damage until Intel releases their microcode update this month.
I can already see the headlines
I read dilemma as diarrhea and didn’t think much of it…
I, for one, welcome our new penguin overlords.