Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains.
It’s so funny to me how lemmy libs lose their shit any time they encounter someone to the left of them.
Remember when Kathryn Janeway promised to keep giving weapons to the Cardassians so they could continue their genocide against the Bajoran people?
Broke: Discovery is NuTrek
Woke: Voyager is NuTrek
Bespoke: TNG is NuTrek
Don’t forget the pansexual space lizard (who’s just a simple tailor, that’s it I swear haha) and the capitalist goblins.
Neat mug but I bet it’s annoying to clean.
I’ll upvote your memes, brother.
Technically he did in “Civil Defense” when they accidentally triggered the counter-insurgency subroutines on the station. Although he himself ended up getting trapped on the station that was about to blow up so he was stuck helping them disable it.
This is Morn erasure
You gotta have faith of the heart, after all.
Lowering the design speed of roads alone is never going to stop drivers in a hurry from driving dangerously fast
Why wouldn’t it? If drivers feel unsafe speeding down a road then they simply won’t speed, rendering speed cameras unnecessary. If you see a speed bump ahead of you aren’t you going slow down?
If people are driving too fast on a road then the road is badly designed. Speed cameras are a bandage covering up the problem of shit infrastructure.
Please just fucking retire TNG already. It’s time to move on. Give us that Seven show with a gay captain. I’d watch the hell out of that.
It’s true, I do.
That Risians whole race thing is just putting a sticker on their foreheads will never not be funny to me.
Glory to you and your teeth.
Reminds me of the time in a reddit thread someone asked why the Enterprise never used shuttle bay one and Wil Wheaton chimed in with “one time Worf got drunk off his forehead on Romulan ale and took a giant Klingon dump in the middle of shuttle bay one and we haven’t quite been able to get the smell out since” and I’ve accepted this as canon since.
What I’m saying is if either Alexander Siddig or Andrew Robinson suggest that Bashir and Garak might have hooked up at least once it’s going to be official canon forever no matter how much Trek writers try to deny it.
And finally, last year — two decades after the series ended — the actors who played Garak and Bashir reunited for readings of fan-written scripts, including one on which their characters are married.
Good enough for me lmao
They can if they figure out they’re in a simulation. See: Moriarty, Professor
I joined Facebook back when you needed a .edu address, left because I hated it and I hated them stealing my data. I deleted my twitter after king bazinga bought it. Reddit was the API exodus, but the massive numbers of repost bots and awful liberals really had me tired of the fucking place for a long time before that.