No, the fact you hold two different groups to two clearly different standards in the same situation is what proves you to be the bigot you are.
No, the fact you hold two different groups to two clearly different standards in the same situation is what proves you to be the bigot you are.
Fascinating how you’re claiming Israel has made it impossible when Hamas is the one who not only refuses to negotiate, but openly calls for the murder of an entire group of people.
Advancing the front is a tactic as old as warfare… that’s how borders moved historically.
Israel isn’t doing the whole rape and pillage thing, those savages at Hamas are doing that. Israel has taken the plunder part too far imo though.
The evidence is quite clearly found in the Jewish population of the surrounding countries…oh wait, they’ve been ethnically cleansed.
Which is exactly what Hamas is saying they intend on doing.
Considering the history of the region, the numerous recorded events attempting to remove Jews from the region, it’s very obvious to all but the most bigoted why that country is critical to their survival.
It’s also why they’ll demolish the threats to their survival. They’ve lived thru not having a homeland and they will not let that happen again, regardless of the social media zeitgeist or the cheers of terrorism supporters.
I know Jews who’ve moved to Canada years ago and are booking flights back to Israel to help out however they can.
Some anonymous guy at JFK paid for the flights of 250 Jews who got called to return to the IDF.
The excuse is that it’s their home. They will give their lives to ensure it survives. It’s the homeland to every Jewish person on this planet and as you note, there’s decades (Millenia in fact) of history written in blood showing just how important that strip of desert is to the survival of the Jewish people.
I don’t know what called your friend over there, I assume he’s a Jew as well and if so that might actually be all there is to it.
I hope your friend is doing alright. Hope you are too.
I don’t understand how you could see that in any other context? They’re obviously developing settlements to maintain a front in the region. You can see from this week’s events that having settlements adjacent to the border prevent the incursion from penetrating deeper into the country where the larger population centers are.
20, or 30 years ago you were seeing bombings in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. I was in Jerusalem for a bus bombing and just missed it… Those have died down and been replaced with border skirmishes.
Whether that’s a reasonable or effective strategy is a different question.
Pm of Israel and the leader of Hamas in a hell in the cell cage match? Fight to the death, bare knuckles because they’re both obviously savages.
Losing side walks away peacefully… winner gets shot in the head for being a pos and replaced with a less assholish pm? Step 4: Profit/peace.
Where can you buy tickets?
The Day Israel became a country they were attacked. They’ve been on defense since day 1.
They’re too heavy handed that’s clear but they are not the aggressor or instigator in this fight. They’ve offered dozens of peace deals, brokered by a variety of 3rd parties, only to be rejected because Hamas wants Jews dead. It’s in their founding Charter, just to be clear about who’s intent is what over there in terms of aggression.
The only thing being pounded harder than the Gaza strip today is this bitch.
How on earth do you claim Israel immediately started ‘breaking agreements’ when they were attacked on multiple fronts as soon as they became a country?
That’s some wild revisionist history.
Israel not only defended themselves but took land in the war. They then returned that land later on as a gesture of goodwill. Only to be attacked again and again…
Canada. It’s free, but slow.
They’ll keep you alive, but it’s up to you to stay healthy. Little prevention support around here.
My scallops were a bit tough when I was there but it was a spectacular meal.
I was at a restaurant in Hawaii, on the menu was surf and turf… Wagyu and lobster from ‘the least inhabited Island on the planet’.
I wasn’t paying so I got it. It was spectacular. I had Wagyu again at a Gorden Ramsey restaurant in Vegas and it wasn’t as good. Wagyu steak isn’t a great way to consume it imo.
I lie to my kids constantly. Don’t even feel bad about it, it’s a requirement for peace in the world.
Manitobans are afraid of water? Half of the people who live there have a cottage on one of the lakes. The rest seems accurate. Carry on.
Please elaborate on the 14 salaries? I’m in Canada, I would guess at most I could claim 3. My occupation, the rebates I get from the federal government, and the rebates from the provincial one would amount to my ‘income’ each year.
I spent years in restaurants and retail stores working thru my teens and twenties.
The management in those places is usually a joke. Over serious, under educated people taking themselves far too seriously. They work hard because they’re inefficient most of the time, not because the jobs are actually difficult too. At least that’s the experience I had along with my friends before we got wise and gtfo of that environment.
It’s worse than getting news from TV. TV doesn’t have an algorithm feeding you Right wing propaganda like YouTube pushes.
I know it’s scary to be in the real world outside of your conservative silo, but as you’re seeing the lies your News agencies have been feeding you simply aren’t true.
The Red states flipping blue, Texas going purple and the vast majority of Americans being in favor of roe v wade show that your world view of conservatism is not the majority belief in America.
Eufy? With the hub it’s all kept local I believe. Even without I think you can get a week with a 128 card.