Far cry 5 gives the opposite experience. You get railroaded into missions, but can do whatever you want to during them.
While getting pushed into missions is a bit irritating, the open gameplay and drop in co op made it one of the most fun games out there. Finding ways to break missions with my friends turned into the real objective of the game.
One portion, you have to scale a mountain while dodging sniper fire to kill a cult leader at the top, and I spent 15 minutes slowly making my way up to him. As I finally get to the top, before I could make the kill, a friend dropped in and crashed a fighter jet into him, completing the mission.
Get handy. Fix things before they go bad, and learn basic construction on the way. Second hand tools are cheap, and there’s a number of good youtubers to help in any situation. After you get your bearings, it turns into a fun way to make the place into what you want it to be. Nothing is terribly difficult, and materials can be had cheap if you’re not in an emergency. Facebook marketplace allowed me to build a house for 70k over two years, and it’s valued at 350k, and not finished yet. The experience gained led me to doing odd side jobs and reselling unused materials to keep paying for new additions. If you can replace your own water heater, you can replace someone elses for half the price of Lowes and still take home 700$ for three hours work. Pick up some resold tile and put in a bathroom wall. You’ll find out what you did wrong in your own bathroom and won’t mess up someone elses for some extra cash in a pinch.
Electrical work is my favorite. Know the code, and how to stay safe, and it’s a lot of fun that the average person is HORRIFIED of. Get a good electricians multitool, a current tester, a drill and some tape, and you can perform miracles.
Most people will never afford a house. You don’t have to fix it, you get to fix it, so take pride and make it somewhere you love to live.