Thanks but, yeah, still not getting it. So Russia recruits a shark, known for not being a particularly nice creature, then adds the moon?
So I know their moon probe crashed, but I don’t get it. ELI5, please.
Meh. Not really.
I nice cold seltzer with a lime wedge.
It’s always the southern states that rate lowest in damn near every category.
Let me guess, fire caused by someone smoking a cigarette again?
Exposure to other people/cultures/lifestyles generally leads towards more understanding of them. I believe that is part of the core right-wing attitude that ‘colleges are liberal indoctrination centers’. You’re not being indoctrinated, you are being introduced and (gasp) seeing that they are regular people, just like you.
Why are most of these videos obscured by massive watermarks?
Yes, clinching as well. Upvote. I just forever hear Mills Lane in my mind yelling ‘No Holding! No Holding!’. Never heard it refereed to as hugging though.
Holding. It’s called holding…
Psoriatic Arthritis suffer here. I feel your pain (literally).