Ok, I get it, you have great memory, but where is the scene from?
Ok, I get it, you have great memory, but where is the scene from?
Fallout New Vegas was made by Obsidian
People, no matter the inteligence or schooling, are more likely to believe what they hear more often. (If 10 people you know swear that eating mint will keep you from going bald it might just be true)
This makes sense and is normal, at least until the modern world.
Now add social media and an algorithm that its only purpose is to increase clicks/likes/interactions. Suddenly everything everyone is talking about is whatever you clicked on last time. A positive feedback loop occurs. The more videos you look at on the same topic, the more those get served, the more you view them, the more you believe them.
Experiment : Try creating a brand new Google account and watching 3 videos on YouTube on a single topic. Refresh YouTube page, or check back tomorrow.
and duplicating it would require knowledge of every single atom in a person
I think that’s how a replicator works when you ask it for a dish.
Hey! Sometimes you have to invert the polarity!
it just works
Tom uses a shuttle to travel to warp ten. Once he reaches the threshold he’s everywhere at the same time, becomes Kwisatz Haderach. When he comes back he starts mutating, loses his mind, kidnaps the captain, they fly off at warp 10.
By the time voyager finds them they’ve devolved(or evolved) into small amphibians, luckily the doc has a magic serum that will fix them. As the crew are about to leave they notice a bunch of tadpoles escape from the nest. Basically Tom and Kat had tadpole babies.
I suppose somebody, who didn’t like what you posted at one point, went through the trouble of down voting all your comments/posts regardless if their content.
Careful of Lumbago with that much workin’
Isn’t obsidian closed source? I see that only their core plugins are open source.
Wow, that’s crazy! They should make a movie about it!
Looks like a WW2 Japanese hand-held antitank explosive. The one where you have to charge at the tank to explode it. I may be wrong tho.