In what fucking universe are mergers and acquisitions difficult my man
In what fucking universe are mergers and acquisitions difficult my man
Keep on hoping Putler will stop here, Neville. He fucking won’t.
You have a lot of terms conflated in a way that tells me you would benefit from learning more about these ideas.
Natural selection is the opposite of a motivation. All it really is this: Traits that help an organism live to reproduce or do not adversely affect its opportunity or ability to reproduce will continue to propagate in a population of organisms. Traits that hinder an organism in reproducing or adversely affect its opportunity or ability to reproduce will gradually be expressed less. There isn’t a motivation for that, it’s a self-selecting process. If an organism can’t reproduce, it can’t pass its traits on to the next generation. If it can reproduce, it can pass its traits on to the next generation.
Life isn’t motivated to survive because an omnipotent superintelligence wants it to be. All the life that didn’t give a shit about surviving didn’t live long enough to propagate.
Natural selection does not provide an origin for life or the universe. I agree with the other poster who mentions that organic matter - and life - is a result of the basic nature of matter in the universe. I wouldn’t say I know much about the origin of the universe, but inserting a god into it just kicks the can down the road. Every issue you might have with the big bang is just moved one completely unverifiable step away by throwing a god into the equation. Who made god? And, if god can exist without being created, why could not the universe?
I thought it was a bad game and a worse made for TV movie, but I’m glad you had fun with it.
David Cage is the hackiest of hacks and wouldn’t know subtext if it punched him in the head.
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Like 12 idiots on the Internet who then decided to never shut the fuck up about it.
Agreed. Capital, states, etc all have issues in the same way. I just think the state can work for the people and I’m not convinced of the alternative. Both libertarians and anarchosyndicalists have some wild basically religious ideas about how everyone will basically just work together and not dick each other over because of… Social norms, I guess? I just have a hard time believing it.
It is, a lot of people just have pseudo mystical beliefs about how people will act when there is no state. They like to imagine everything bad about humans is capitalism/the state/insert Boogeyman, not that the state and laws exist because we tried the alternative and no system at all always does work out to might makes right. A warlord always moves in to fill the power vacuum.
Some people are bastards and any system you create has to be created with the explicit assumptions that people are bastards. Some people just want to believe no one is a bastard or that there are not enough bastards to hurt the reasonable people. I think those people are wildly optimistic, and removing power structures does not remove the temptation to exert power or the ability, only one specific means.
Marketing and evangelism are fucking terrible too while we are at it
Some people see blood transfusions as unholy, it doesn’t mean they get to decide the conduct of everyone else.
There wasn’t any judgement implied there. It literally works because people have empathy, you know, that thing that makes you not immediately assume everyone else has the absolute worst intentions.
If you think science fiction is laser fights in space, this opinion makes sense. If you like characters and setting, it’s probably some of the best sci fi on TV.
Are you okay with being the one in perpetual darkness for all working and living hours while someone on the other side of the world gets to live “normally”?
It’s literally two idiots contorting into ludicrous shapes just to stay mad about this. It’s wild.
WHAT ABOUT THE TRUCKS??? I am going to quote one clause of the article over and over to prove I didn’t read it and get mad at people who suggest that anything could change in any way, ever! Trucks are part of human DNA and the moment an 18 wheeler can’t smog up your back yard is when we have all lost our freedumb!!!
He didn’t say it was the case for most of the world
It’s cheating and the fact that you are asking shows you know it is.
Holy shit you must be 13 if you think RvB is from the 90s.