Also: the fact that Hexbear users are making a point to go tone-policing after calling anyone who makes even the slightest criticism against them “racist” and “ableist” should tip y’all off that Hexbear is almost purely a troll instance.
You present needing tone indicators as a negative.
I understand that this is bait and definitely not good-faith, but I’ll bite anyway.
Because I know that a lot of Lemmy users are ND, and, being ND myself, I wanted to emphasize the need for my tone to be understood by everyone.
Didn’t realize it could even be viewed as a “negative” until you said something.
I think this is just a matter of imageboard culture that just can’t / won’t mesh with general internet civility.
Leave Hexbear users to their spaces. My hands are washed.
Yeah, mate. That’s the in-joke I’m referring to. [sarcasm tone indicator, cuz some of y’all need it]
A reasonable person can infer that’s not where my issues stem from.
All this tells me is that Hexbear folks get their jollies from trying to provoke people with weird stretches.
“You don’t like some of our users?? Wow, you’re pro-rascism and ablelist!”
It’s not cute.
Hey, Hexbear users? Can y’all send in a better representative to do damage control?
I really want to like y’all, but damn.
Have you browsed Hexbear? This ain’t trolling. It’s very much genuine.
If it is trolling, then it’s just an entire instance posting an inside joke and then pointing and laughing at the people not in-the-know who don’t “get it.”
It’s not clever.
Mate. That’s not the obnoxious part. Posts like this are the obnoxious part.
I don’t mind the general hexbear ideology in itself. Sure. You do you.
But, damn, I see more than a few of its members just being obnoxious.
In order to get the answers you’re looking for, put out the question “what exactly does this statement mean?” instead of “sounds like this means ___” and waiting for a confirmation/rejection of your assumption.
I do stuff that involves quite a lot of printing, scanning, and copying.
My goofy lil Canon Pixma MG3620 printer has held strong throughout the years.
I will scream if it ever dies, as I have zero desire to peruse the hellscape of current-day printers.
I have (almost) all their plushes & a bunch of their hoodies, too.
Search “Big Shirt” and you’ll find it.
I mean, yeah, that’s how I deal with it.
But even some non-church-going folks with drop off their kids at “youth group” essentially for free childcare and debatable “moral development.”
Exploiting people: making them feel that they have no choice under the threat of poverty if they don’t comply, often resulting in accepting less than favorable pay/them paying more to get something they need.
Monetizing people: “We already play video games for fun, so why don’t we turn it into a thing where we get paid to play video games by streaming it and possibly doing ads or accepting audience donations?”
Basically, exploitation is taking advantage of people’s possible desperation. Monetization is just taking something people might want and changing/making money off of it.
Monetization can lead to exploitation, but they are not intrinsically the same at its base.
P×dophiles are flocking to churches because they’re unregulated by the government. They’re becoming a safe haven for these sick fucks because they often attempt to handle conflict and scandals within their own walls. Also, due to a high need for childcare, often no background check is needed!
A “scandal” is bad for business attendance numbers, so they like to keep it quiet, if they can.
My family has gone to so many churches throughout the years, and at least 5 or 6 have had the sexual abuse of a child come to light within church leadership.
I am dead serious about this: KEEP YOUR KIDS OUT OF CHURCHES!!!
EDIT: I forgot to mention that most clergy are not bound by laws that would make them mandated reporters for child abuse.
Thank you. Maybe one day.
Because when I do what I want, I get called a “retard” or asked “what the fuck are you doing?” by the people around me. I make a point to try to do things quietly (stopping to observe a cool bug, making chalk drawings on the sidewalk, saying “wheee!” on the swings, etc.), but it really doesn’t matter.
I’ve caught glimpses of people filming me before, so I now only do what I want in privacy.
Also doesn’t help that I’ve been accused of “doing it for attention.” Nah, my dude, pretty sure I’m just fckin’ autistic.
I only want people to leave me alone now. I don’t like having to justify my actions when I’m just trying to enjoy myself.
I sew. Specifically, I love sewing stuffed animals.
As a kid, I always wanted those giant stuffed animals, but it just wasn’t meant to be. Now I can make pretty much whatever I want!
I love the colors, the feel of the fabrics… but my favorite part is seeing my 2D drawings get turning into a tangible 3D object! Plus, it makes kids go “WHOOOOAAA” or smile or laugh when they see what I make. That really can’t be beat!