70 MILLION+ people voted directly against Trump. Those people don’t hate immigrants, fuck off You seem so proud of this. It’s actually so fucking funny. Who did you guys vote for. Genocide Joe’s little removed. Is that your democracy? Far right and slightly left of far right?
FYI, that’s more than the entire population of the UK. More people voted for Harris than reside in the entire United Kingdom.
California has ~40 million people alone. That’s one state.
Buddy I’m also south Asian. A people that constitutes a region almost 2 billion and has more cultural and ethnic diversity than all of north and south America and all of Europe combined. I live in Scotland and In my ethnic homeland. Just two of our cities have the population of California. You Americans are a genuine embarrassment of stupidity sometimes. Also 95% of USA is non native, even less attachment in the land. The real ones are those on reservation
Why is it Americans still need to get taxed and drafted even outside their home nation. Nobody else does that