One mornin’ I woke up
One mornin’ I woke up
This is not true.
It’s not about cancer, it’s about senescence. Mammals’ and many other animals’ only way to adapt to an ever changing enviroment, is: remix genes + mutations + epigenetic factors. And hope for the best.
In order for parents to not compete with their offspring for food or sex, they have to die. Which can simply be a limited lifespan by cells getting sloppy in their maintenance, or by choosing to starve yourself to death.
If you get injured badly, you have failed to survive. It is more energy and evolutionarily speaking to let you die, than expend energy on your recovery. Energy is limited in every enviroment. Depression and lethargy are interesting aspects to self-elimination (not suicide) as well.
Senesence is also why cancer is far more common in older people than in children. Our repair functions stop doing their job well as part of senescence. Increasing the chance and speeding up the development of tumors.
It’ll knock the moon and earth out of orbit!
Saw a pic once. Learned my lesson the easy way.
I think we should start calling it WOMANPAD. She did k8ck ass after all.
She’s handled armies of toddlers before.
Droop de boombe
It worked for ouranus.
India prohibited doctors from telling parents the sex of their unborn child to combat sex selection.
You may shit and piss all over the NS, but once you’ve been abroad, you’ll accept those delays with grace.
The liver got the toughest job out there. He got no time for himself. Poor liver.
Yeah. You meed a better setup for that. Just a basic 10x+oculus doesn’t cut it. Your microscope needs some immersion fluid for the 400x.
This one ^
Fair point. I only have english textbooks for college, and it’s in pretty much evry single one of them. My dutch teachers said the meme in a translated version during lectures. Only happened twice though.
Not a parasite. A vital sidekick whom we cannot exist without.
It’s a meme in the netherlands as well.
Mitochondria is plural. Mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell.
Not the person you replied to… but I agree with them, and I wouldn’t give it to a random woman either.
A kindred spirit. Saggy/floppy bodyparts man…
I don’t speak any Spanish, but am able to guess and discern Esperanto due to its simplicity. It’s a dope and easy language.