For reference, 3 km/s is approximately Mach 10
For reference, 3 km/s is approximately Mach 10
Because releasing 1k hostages is nothing when you can just abduct another 1k randos again
Once is persecution if it happens to us, 50 times is just our job if it’s a Clinton
Yanukovich had supporters before he got booted out. There’s always a percentage who want to lick that boot
Try stitching on a name tape through like 4 layers of canvas, Marines put sewing machines through hell already
09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Does the Naval Observatory count?
All of which takes you back to the headline, “Waymo trains its cars to not stop at crosswalks”. The company controls the input, it needs to be responsible for the results.
Also fits with being a fucking Nazi
PC load-bearing letter
Genetically engineer like 20 of them and hope one turns out good after being stolen by Tzeentch and half betray you because you were a bad dad
Sleepers, sleepers, man your bunks. Give the ship a clean sleep down fore and aft. Sleep in all decks, ladder wells, and passageways. Now sleepers.
You arrogant ass, you’ve droned us!
Once again NCD reinvents the bolter
Depends which Archer gets the assignment. Spy? Starship captain? Gilgamesh?
Delenn, standing in between
Alpha channel says she’s not wrong
Basic movement algorithms that middle schoolers can program into Legos