Yes. I don’t really buy white clothing for that reason. I also don’t like black clothing because of lint showing up so easily. Plus it gets really hot where I live. Wearing black out in the sun is just extra miserable.
Yes. I don’t really buy white clothing for that reason. I also don’t like black clothing because of lint showing up so easily. Plus it gets really hot where I live. Wearing black out in the sun is just extra miserable.
Maybe. If you want to trade heartburn for intense diarrhea.
Biological alarm clock. AKA my kids wake me up.
They are obviously ranked too. duh. Number 1 and 2 are always fighting for rank. With 18 friends they only have 2 left in the 20 friend limit. It’s very competitive.
It’s cute that you think anyone but the richest people and biggest corporations will be deregulated.
Rest assured, you will be paying taxes to somebody until the day you die.
Some people are smarter than others. Some people are so smart that they struggle to be interested in school unless it’s a challenge, and can simply skate by like your roommate.
I certainly can’t say I am anywhere near that level, but I was smart enough to coast through a lot of subjects I was interested in without studying.
I also learned from a young age that I could pass a multiple choice test on a subject I knew nothing about just by intuition, looking for context clues, and guessing. Ask me to write an essay on an unfamiliar subject, and I was screwed, though.
I’ve got a 300gb WD velociraptor 10k rpm model that has been running almost non stop in every computer I have built for the last 20 years. I only use it as an extension of my steam library though so when it does die I won’t lose anything.
He lives on the moon with Elvis.
Back in the 80s my grandmother had a cat. Her neighbors at the time had some very feral and aggressive dogs in their back yard. One day her cat got out of the house, and those dogs escaped their fence and tore her cat to shreds.
The next day she mixed up some antifreeze meatballs and tossed them over the fence.
The neighbors never knew what killed their dogs.
I personally say “o one” “o two” etc. all the way up to “o nine” After that it just seems weird to say “ten” or “eleven” instead of “twenty ten”
Even referring to 1910 as “ten” seems weird and wrong, though. In my mind, it doesn’t make sense to leave the nineteen off until the 40s. For example, saying: “Back in forty-five” sounds right, but “Back in thirty-five” sounds wrong to me for some reason.
The big players will likely continue to develop this tech. “The Bubble” is more about the marketing and speculative investing in anything with “AI” tacked onto it. There’s no reality where everything AI is being ham fisted into is going to be successful. There will be some winners, but there will be a lot of losers when the bubble bursts.
In the meantime, we have to put up with every company and product marketing that they now have “AI” in their product, whether it’s actually useful or different from it was before.
My friends screen record the video and send that because I refuse to click tiktok links. I still don’t watch them.
I looked this up a while back. Felons in NY can vote as long as they aren’t currently incarcerated.
I personally have no issue with swearing. I do it quite a lot. However I’ve got a pretty good filter for when it’s not appropriate, like around kids, or in many professional settings.
From reading your other posts about this it seems you are a nurse and dropped an f bomb while checking on a patient’s wound care.
To me, that seems like a pretty clear situation where it’s inappropriate to swear. It’s unprofessional and bad bedside manner from a medical professional. If I were a patient and heard my nurse drop an f bomb while working on me, I’d be quite alarmed.
I suspect your fellow nurses are not mad at you because they are too sensitive about swearing, but rather they consider your outburst to have been unprofessional, and the fact that you refuse to acknowledge that, apologize, and promise to work on it in the future is what has them upset with you.
Right now, this is what I am telling myself. Let’s just hope he is only as bad as he was the first go around, and not as bad as he has been claiming he will be on the campaign trail. He is the lyingest sack of shit to ever hold office. Let’s cross our fingers he was lying about most of the shit he promised his cult.
It’s important to think about the time scale that evolution works on. These changes happened very slowly 50,000+ years ago.
The regions near the equator where people still tend to be lighter skinned have been in contact with and interbreeding with lighter skinned people for thousands of years, plus many migrations and invasions.over the past 10,000 years.
I feel you. I’m 6’4" and the biggest hurdle is pants and shirt length. Unless they have tall sizes all shirts become halter tops if I even slightly raise my arms.
Pants are a pain in the ass too because I need at least 34" length for them to not be capris on me. Most companies just make all their pants 32".
There is a reason 90% of my clothing has come from Eddie Bauer for the last 15 years. I’m not particularly brand loyal. They just make clothes that fit me, and most companies don’t.
You are talking about tankies. Who are so far left they made a lap back to authoritarianism. In no way do they represent most leftists.