Okay, that kinda makes sense in that context. I can at least see where they’re coming from.
Okay, that kinda makes sense in that context. I can at least see where they’re coming from.
It kinda can’t, though. ‘South Korea will be leveled’ is basically the worst imaginable outcome, unless you’re saying they’ll nuke the friends SK invites. Realistically, ‘no nukes/missile strikes at other countries’ is probably going to be China’s only requirement for assistance. Which would make it a horrible grueling land war. Which is going to suck with or without Russian ICBMs in NK.
I did most of my Reddit browsing via Baconreader, which wasn’t going to be an option anymore. So it basically came down to learn how to use a different Reddit app- which I refused to do purely out of spite- or jump ship to Lemmy and learn that instead.
I feel like the distinction is that when they started the investigation they had no idea about the crimes. They were just looking for literally anything. It was a fishing expedition, basically.
Yep. I swapped my bookmarks, deleted my main account, and just kinda ceased using reddit almost entirely. I still have an alt I use very rarely to browse some niche subs, but that’s about it.
It’s definitely a potential security issue, but I don’t really think it’s realistically a large one. Hell, a keylogger would probably be worse for you than for me because I hardly ever actually enter passwords.
The lack of moving parts also makes SSDs drastically more drop resistant, and just generally less likely to die on you randomly. Not that they can’t, it’s just less common.
Honestly, it’s kind of a weird distinction. Afaik they’re functionally the same as US States except perhaps a bit more individual culturally.
World War 3 is gonna be fuckin wild. Pinned in trenches, the enemy tryna intercept tendie deliveries in order to break morale.
I’m not the guy you originally replied to. I’m a random third party that read what he said, read what you said, and then commented what I did.
I didn’t read “you want them to feel like part of the in-group” as political. I read it as “you want them to feel like part of the family”
At no point was the qualifier, “as long as they agree with your ideology” included. You invented that yourself.
My brother/sister/nonbinary sibling in christ “make your kids feel included in the family” is absolutely not in any way psychopathic manipulation.
“other; different in origin.” is the meaning of xeno.
So… it kinda fits, it kinda doesn’t.
It would probably help if you tried to elaborate on your confusion lol. I have no idea where this meme is failing to get across.
Terraria is one of my favorite games ever! I’ve been playing it on and off since 2011.
In case you missed them, the guide has some extremely helpful dialogue options. At least on PC. I can’t imagine they’d leave that out of the Xbox version.
Because their first use knew what road it would lead them down.
The vast majority of people aren’t starting with heroin or fent. They start with getting prescribed cough syrup with codeine in it, or a friend offers them something ‘fun’ at a party. People aren’t making a single decision like, “yeah today I’m gonna ruin my life.”
And what about them? You can feel bad about them and bad about a celebrity dying. They’re not mutually exclusive.
It’s harsh to phrase it this way, but frankly I don’t care all that much about the One Direction guy that died personally. I wasn’t a fan. It didn’t impact me emotionally, but I can still acknowledge that he was greatly loved and it sucks for his fans and- I assume- his family.
No? This is a confusing question. Do you think they’re just committing suicide? Cuz most people that OD aren’t doing it intentionally. And even then… do you not feel bad for people that kill themselves?
… when did I say everything on .ml domain is marxist-leninist? It’s not any kind of conspiracy lol.
I said they picked this one because it was an obvious reference. Apparently some other people have spoken directly to them and said it was purely because it was free. Which I didn’t realize, and also makes sense.
It’s not exactly wrong, though. It’s clearly intentionally chosen because people are gonna connect these dots.
I remember commenting in a sub and getting bounced by automod because I didn’t meet a karma limit. Which is fine, lots of subs have karma limits. But it felt really high- I had a couple thousand karma at the time- and the mods explicitly wouldn’t tell you what the actual limit was.
So I guess you’re just supposed to let automod bounce you occasionally til you manage to hit their magic number.