secret tip: Fez
secret tip: Fez
pokemon lets go. i skipped it on release because i assumed the dumbed down mechanics are not for me as an aduld fan. but once i picked it up i like it a lot. the graphics are breathtakeing for a gamefreak ip. and the way more accessible and time saveing shiny hunting, made me commit to a shiny only run.
I gotta admit i boxed eevee eventhough i love it, because that would just be too op.
but a strong recomendation for the pokemon fan that yawns for a chill experience
its kinda crazy isnt it? i would never tell irl i played it lol. but as a person who was in the rpg maker scene of the 2000/2010 years, it feels like the pinacle of this era and comunity. its not the best game but feels like the most iconic by haveing every standard and every stereotype of rpg maker games turned to 12. Perhabs there is potential to write a paper about how and why it was developed.
i failed out of uni so take my advice with a huge grain of salt. but its ok to fail or rescedule. as long as you persist ofc. I failed some class and the shame made me fail more. reality is pretty much everyone has parts of their studys that are boring or incredible hard. and pretty mich everyone fails some stuff. Just make a plan, figure out what made you fail last time (if it happends) and try to prevent that next time.
tl;dr: dont be like me. be open and honest to your friends, professors and family. and you will make it :)
what a non answer. imagin someone asks for directions, and all they get as an answer is “traveling isnt just beeing good at walking. you need to do the work and find the way”
I mean i totally agree with your observation, but op asked for tips. they are probably a younger person asking more experienced people how to start into life.
there are offices that offer these services offline. if you wanna do it on your own youll need to request a lot of acces to city archives. At least in some countrys, citys keep many infos. including if someone moves there ect.
So if you know where your grandparents used to be born, go there, and maybe you find infos about your grand grandparents. and then its just a game to hunt for infos. See if you can find your anchestors names in unis, or companys or something.
I heard its quite tedious and takes years
its actually a real rabit hole to see which cultures use however many days to refer into the future and past. Since the use of unified calenders its been declining. few centuries ago it wasnt unusual to have words for like “five days ago”. and some languages actually perserved that!
Dont ask me for specifics tho. its been many moons since i did that deep dive ^^
ereyesterday is the day before yesterday. as a german i am used to refer to two days in the past and future without useing weekdays.
fixed it. thank you very much ^^
hope you will enjoy it :)
Thank you :) I hope it will become a save and supportive community for all of us. as someone who struggled with this for a many years and has learned how to live happily nevertheless i felt called to create this space. equivalent spaces on reddit and such have helped me alot.
AAA movies were called that by haveing A-class actors A-class musicans and A-class production company. this correlates to nothing in Videogames. Its mostly a marketing term. I agree with most that initial budget plays the biggest role.