reddit refugee

here to stay

  • 0 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • why would I want to keep in contact with the “head in the sand” people

    Forget contacts. Imagine Meta has

    • poured way more developing hours in their fork than the FOSS community ever could
    • the most effective and easy to use mod tools
    • the best search tools for finding communities, topics and everything else (by a margin)
    • free instance hosting
    • every major wish list feature implemented
    • a working feed with endless content you actually find interesting
    • a vibrant community for every niche interest you might have
    • advanced development so much that it feels a couple versions ahead

    The more money they throw at this, the more people will feel tempted to join or at least try their service. It offers objective benefits. It would feel like using lemmy 0.09 when others already enjoy 0.18.

  • There’s nothing wrong with Lemmy’s user interface design.

    The first step is a UX disaster:

    Only 2 clicks / pages down the road you can start registering an account, and you don’t see what the experience might be before that. Instead, you’re being presented tech talk about servers.

    You might argue it’s not actually lemmy but just the landing page. I argue, it’s so good at being a scarecrow, most people visiting lemmy haven’t seen anything else except for that page.

    The inner lemmy is pretty fine, I agree. Some parts are still confusing. For example, most people will not figure out they can search for content from within a specific community by carefully configuring the drop downs in the general search form. Most will look for the search directly attached to the community.

  • It would be possible to do this study without contamination by using completely unknown and newly-released songs

    When writing songs, I always wondered if that genius idea is actually just something I heard 10 years ago, but don’t remember consciously. Similarly, I wonder if I like a catchy tune because it is catchy in itself, or because it reminds me of something which I cannot recall consciously right now.

    Sometimes, I had these moments later when the dots connect, sometimes not. With what confidence could I conclude something is new and original?

    I guess that’s just another task for future AI.

    • Some of the biggest communities like r/pics, r/aww, and r/GIF decided to post John Oliver pictures and GIFs. In a tweet, Oliver approved this move.
    • In the case of r/aww, the community is also allowed to post pictures of Chiijohn.
    • r/iPhone decided to post pictures celebrating “dashing” Tim Cook.
    • r/Shitposting banned posts with the letter k.
    • r/Wellthatsucks is now a subreddit about vacuum cleaners.
    • r/Nofans is now a passive PC cooler subreddit.
    • r/Interestingasfuck removed a lot of all rules apart from asking members to not break site-wide rules.
    • r/Memes is allowing only Medieval / Landed Gentry memes. This is in response to Huffman’s “Landed Gentry” comment about protesting subreddits.
    • r/PokemonGo is now allowing pictures of John Oliver, Pikachu, or Spark.
    • r/Horny is now a “Christian Minecraft server.”
    • r/Steam members are posting about actual steam.
    • r/HarryPotter is now referring to Huffman as Voldemort.
    • Some subreddits such as r/Showerthoughts are determining close days for the community.


  • I mean …

    That’s active users last month. Roughly +50% or +10k in less than a week.

    So the data seems to strongly speek against it; lemmy gets more users just fine despite being so difficult.

    One question is how many of those will leave again. And obviously, we should strive to make it more user friendly. I fully support your proposals. I just don’t think it’s right to paint them as a necessity for growth, they evidently aren’t.

  • I like what /r/pics did.

    We – the so-called “landed gentry” – appreciate that Reddit is made great by its users. Uncompensated contributors populate the platform’s many communities with their content, just as volunteer moderators keep spam and bigotry at bay. Since neither we nor Reddit would be here without you, it was only fair to let you determine what /r/Pics should include… and you overwhelmingly chose to feature only images of John Oliver looking sexy. (Seriously, the final vote was -2,329 to 37,331.)

    As such, /r/Pics will henceforth feature only images of John Oliver looking sexy.

    It’s great, have a scroll. No intent to derail, here’s the thread on !

    I wonder if a similar stunt would have been possible for /r/antiwork. Any ideas? How about: “You must rest on weekdays. Posts and comments are only allowed on weekends.”

  • “There is no such thing as a free lunch”, they said :(

    To pull more of the article into the comment section:

    The Republican Study Committee (of which some three-quarters of House Republicans are members) on Wednesday released its desired 2024 budget, in which the party boldly declares its priority to eliminate the Community Eligibility Provision, or CEP, from the School Lunch Program. Why? Because “CEP allows certain schools to provide free school lunches regardless of the individual eligibility of each student.”

    Of note is that the CEP is not even something every school participates in; it is a meal service program reserved for qualifying schools and districts in low-income areas. The program enables schools that predominantly serve children from low-income backgrounds to offer all students free breakfast and lunch, instead of means-testing them and having to manage collecting applications on an individual basis. As with many universal-oriented programs, it is more practically efficient and, as a bonus, lifts all boats. This is what Republicans are looking to eliminate.

    It’s the kind of provision that many would want every school to participate in. Why not guarantee all our children are well fed as they learn and think about our world and their place in it, after all?