The Bughoons were so cute.
The Bughoons were so cute.
“We’ll have to lick it off” had me reeling.
I found the lurkey quite funny this episode, even if it was a bit of an embellished and exaggerated character.
And my goodness, I love the guest star that they found on the time dilation planet in this episode: The Vasquez Rocks.
I like how tall Olly is. Really helped sell the “Demigod” thing.
Finally, representation for the struggle of being a young Immortal.
I find it peculiar how they’ve hidden the creeping Boimler Beard from the trailers a month ago.
Twisting the usual Star Trek species formula a bit and having an entire culture center around food critic reviews is really funny. Especially with how this has been built up since Season 1 with Migleemo relating everything to food—I thought it was a individual person thing but it turned out to be something cultural.
They show us a canon depiction of the transparent skulled Gallamites and then they bring back that one species from ENT that was offended by public eating in the same second? It’s like they were targeting me specifically.
OMG they’ve added a green hand to the intro.
I’m hoping they won’t go too long with the Multiverse stuff / council of
thing. I’m kind of fatigued with multiverses as it is.
That’s such a low blow that it is aiming for the toes.
Regarding point 2, I just figured Gabriel Bell was probably just someone good with computers who was also down on his luck and empathic to others’ plights.
Maybe they were attending number 15 o C at that processing center.
“There are no bras in space.” ~ George Lucas
Weird to see them side-by-side in a videogame, but it feels so right.
They announce comic things at comic-con?
That’s not a bad idea either.
Pike went to Johnny Bravo’s barber off screen.
Do you think the humans acting all “logical” is psychosomatic? They’re less aware of the cultural history that lead to Vulcans suppressing their emotions and acting logical, so they think that logic is more of a racial trait, and thus act logical.
There is a bit of a precedent of logic being genetically encoded with Star Trek Prodigy when
acted more logical upon
activating his Vulcan genes
That space and time comment kind of rubbed me the wrong way. By the nature of planetary bodies and ships moving at incredible speeds things have to move through space anyway. Episode 19 at 11:54 had a minor animation mistake going on Bribble with some weird clipping. I’m glad that other Val N’Akat supported Gwyn in that climactic battle. It was starting to feel like the dad and the BBEG were the only ones on the planet between the time duplicates in the earlier episodes.
I felt the synergy between this show and Picard went a little stronger than needed. Especially considering the first season was a little weaker than the others. It also felt a little late.
I’m still looking forward to any sequel though. I like the hook of slightly unsanctioned exploring.
I didn’t expect Holojaneway to be casually flirting with the Doctor but dang did I need that scene with them.
I liked the “boldness isn’t only for the young” speech although I do wish some of my elders aren’t so bold these days.
I liked how William Boimler was so done with Multiverse fatigue. Felt topical given the current Hollywood trend.
“Sodium is not a full life” “Maybe it is for me, dammit!” Felt this in my soul.