Leftest, the folks that usually call em that are republican boot lickers that will keep voting for their reps to rob em blind while fucking them in the ass
Leftest, the folks that usually call em that are republican boot lickers that will keep voting for their reps to rob em blind while fucking them in the ass
Millennials were raised during a time of prosperity and possibilities
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha h ah aha h ah ah ah
zoom zoom talkin out his ass like the 2000s were the golden gen
I threaten to send the current ceo of google a jpeg of my tiny flacid cock if he doesn’t quit this tomfoolery
this is actually a good idea for preservation efforts. leaving such a huge library of videos that has been around since the modern internets founding with no backups feels dangerous because it is at the mercy of a for profit company which at any time can choose to just nuke their archives.
see what is currently happening with reddit many users are overwriting their comments which (good fuck reddit fir trying to make money from user provided free content then going around and charging the people that maintain the platform) but its also sad to see because now this huge repository of solutions or anecdotes of real issues that affect or have effected people will soon be gone.
and a loss of knowledge is always a tragedy.
for one someone should defenitely make sure to back up this
years of effort put all together in a ten hour video
The anti work subreddit is held by the balls by interest groups that stiffle any dissent quickly im guessing the current mods are comprised and are unwilling to let go of their power and allow people to leave. Also lemmy hadd filtered alot of the less than tech savy folks