Why any? Why not pistols or rifles with small magazines?
Why any? Why not pistols or rifles with small magazines?
Who is in the bottom image?
“I hope he fails.” -Rush Limbaugh talking about Obama.
It’s lying or stupid to pretend that Republicans supported “Not My President” Obama in any way.
This just feels so counter to Trek ideals.
We still don’t understand quite how the brain works or how consciousness comes from neurons.
There’s a lot of trolls and bad people out there. When talking to people or debating someone, a handy tip is to try to assume the other person is acting in good faith until they give you a reason to doubt them. That way you’re not attacking a person for asking a legitimate question.
It’s not distance, it’s more frequency.
Apple patches older releases for zero day bugs. If there is no patch, then usually it means the exploit doesn’t work on that older release.
Who is the woman in the top left? 
Just recovering from surgery right now. I was terrified going in, but the actual surgery was simple. They give you anesthesia and you fall asleep before you even realize they started it, and wake up what feels like seconds later in recovery. You’ll be sore afterwards but the pain medication keeps the pain to a low or acceptable level.
Just remember, the surgery is necessary and in the long run you’ll feel much better.
Biological systems are evolved to their habitat. Space travel is different. Also, we still need surgeries and joint replacement, cybernetic implants are merely augmentation to enhance communication or fighting or work efficiency.
Seven of Nine didn’t get both eyes back, one was a prosthetic.
But I’m definitely enjoying this topic.
I totally know what you mean. There’s a VR remake m of Enterprise-D called Stage 9. One of the live streamers broke down in tears of joy being in the shuttle bay in a VR headset.
“Bad Trek is better than no Trek” was the begrudging opinion of TOS fans for the first season of TNG.
Season one of TNG was compared to TOS and TNG didn’t fare too well early on. The Naked Now? A copy of The Naked Time. Data trying to be human was compared to Spock. LaForge wasn’t like Scotty. Picard was stuck up and by the book compared to Kirk rushing into battle and brawling with aliens with his bare hands.
It wasn’t until the show developed into its own thing that it became great.
Apparently it’s real https://www.dronesforukraine.fund
I was thinking of the same scene! He was great at getaways and evading.
It’s not official canon but since the actor appeared in TNG as a different cadet who engaged in risky shuttle maneuvers to show off, it’s assumed that Paris was generally the same.
Dude designed and built his own shuttle, then had a breakthrough in warp field theory that let him exceed warp 10. In addition to scraping through multiple battles with Borg and other fleets of enemies. How is he not the clear winner?
Remember Trump promised an end to war within 24 hours of taking office?