General Kenobi
General Kenobi
It wasn’t a woosh! It was a bang bang bang up job!
There’s more to it than that. I’m talking about a dictatorship, where trump flaunts the law, more than he already has.
I think the US is over. There will be something else for sure, but i don’t know if the US is salvageable
They get to say the n word with confidence, in certain situations, far from large groups of POC’s, at their dive bars… surrounded by their christo fascist friends… where was I going with this?
Slava Ukraini
The Finns didn’t have the backing of the international community who are largely not at war. I am truly sorry for what your grandparents went through, war is horrible. But if russia is appeased, they will re arm and do it again.
It’s not just “land loss” all those people, their homes and families and lives need to move, or be anexed into fascist russia? No trump would need to tell putin to go back to pre 2012 borders and fuck right off.
Ukraine giving up sovereignty is not up the to US. Putler needs to fuck right out of Ukraine. Then peace, then NATO
I am skeptical of that last bit. They mental gymnastics things all the time, I’m sure this would be no exception.
Exactly, it’s about worker solidarity. The above person doesn’t get that.
His ethnicity/faith has nothing to do with him being a terrible person. If someone criticized him FOR those reasons then they would be a fascist.
Evidently! You’re a toad!
I’m going to say they are wearing Ironman helmets.
Any Americans tired of winning yet?