Totally agree. I’m not sure why everyone focuses so hard on determining how many letters there are in their alphabet. 5 years from now it might be totally diff. It would be so refreshing if people simply said “Here’s what floats my boat today”
Totally agree. I’m not sure why everyone focuses so hard on determining how many letters there are in their alphabet. 5 years from now it might be totally diff. It would be so refreshing if people simply said “Here’s what floats my boat today”
The ‘fun’ adjective means everyone’s answers will be different! For me, exercising is good even if many times it ends up being a VR adventure or workout.
I enjoy growing a small garden! You might not xD
Pick up some acting classes and volunteer down at the local theatre to learn more about yourself, your expression to others, learn the intricacies of a great classic story and make new friends!
Really, just pick something and go to the moon with it
This is correct.
Honestly this is one of the few things that have improved in driving over the years. There’s still the occasional douchecanoe who rides in between both lanes to keep anyone from getting by, but that is now the exception as far as I’ve seen.
Case closed.
Thanks is a less formal thank you.
Maybe OP thinks that someone is dissing them by being informal?
Honestly, learning how to make/grow things yourself and forming a community of others who do the same thing for different items is the most revolutionary act you could do in this world.
Not entirely sure what you mean, but the image in the thumbnail is taken from a video describing an old theory that stars might have a black hole at their center. It would just look like a star. You couldn’t see the black hole, but they visually cut out a section allowing you to see the center.
The question of dark matter is something that is gravitational and invisible spread in patches around the universe that can’t seem to be tracked. The idea of primordial black holes (that are clearly gravitational and they are invisible) fits the amount of dark matter predicted by our mathematical calculations under specific circumstances which are detailed in the video. It’s a theory, it’s not proven, but would answer a lot of questions.
As far as the gravitational well question… there’s only so much matter that can fit into an atom sized aperature, and all the rest of the matter trying to fit in ends up rotating around the black hole so fast that it flings away other matter trying to get in. Does that help?
Not to mention that CO2 was previously captured before you can even put it into your drink. taps temple knowingly
Aww I sure hope you aren’t basing your opinion off of one of the most purposefully offensive shows out there haha. Indian food is known for its potential heat and the corresponding affects… and more often than not the joke is about stupid americans who think they’re chads who go for the multiple star rating and pay the price. Peter from Family Guy is beloved because of his stupid decisions and we laugh at the consequences!
Also, Indian food is not the only example of this… Thai Food is my particular masochistic joy =) Give me that pain! It tastes so good!
Yeah I’d like to see some examples. Everyone I know loves Indian food. Hope you’re not some kind of troll. Give me that curry, man!
I’d like to add a stipulation to the question as I actually have friends like this.
How do you justify using take out delivery services for ALL your meals. I mean, come on y’all. wtf
For my part I started ordering baking extracts, which I was surprised number in the thousands now, and mix and match whatever flavor I want.
Mass Effect for sure. I miss my friends… so I play every couple of years to say hi xD
Writing, specifically long prose. When there’s a story that just has to be told and I feel it in the marrow of my bones I’ll write and I’ll love it.
If someone ever handed me a deadline, all joy would be lost. Some things just aren’t meant to be a job for me and forcing the issue would only make me depressed and the writing abysmal.
Halt and Catch Fire doesn’t get into the nitty gritty enough to spoil whatever you’re studying. It’s a really entertaining look at that time period though. If you’re gonna wait till after the final, wait because you really don’t need this distraction.
Right on the money. Psychologically, the best defense is a good offense. Socially, it’s not the best choice for building communities.
The Watchmen. Everyone thought Ozymandias was the supreme evil but what he did ultimately saved billions of lives.