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  • 7 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • OP set the tone by making an extremely smug, ignorant post.

    Neither smugness nor ignorance warrants this kind of response.

    Starting with the latter, someone not knowing something, especially something benign like “Oh, expensive satellites being lost is expected,” is in no world a reason for insulting them or telling them to leave. It’s not like OP is maliciously trying to spread misinformation. They shared news that they thought was a bad look for Elon Musk but actually wasn’t. The appropriate response is a simple correction, not a stern “fuck off”, and definitely not a barrage of personal insults.

    As for smugness, let’s assume that this post was about something that actually showed Elon Musk screwing up. In that case, it being smug would be fine—nay, expected—here. Smug comments against Elon Musk for doing dumb stuff happen all the time, and nobody’s telling the people making those comments to get bent. Here, OP really thought that this was another Elon fail, in which case nobody would be complaining about the tone of the post. So it’s just a matter of OP being wrong and thus the tone not really being appropriate (since Elon isn’t messing up here), not a bad attitude that needs to be shooed away from the community.

    Also, “extremely warped perception of reality”? Come on. It’s just not knowing what losses are expected with satellites.

  • But here’s the thing: OP didn’t know that it was accounted for and expected. And if it wasn’t expected (or we, like OP, weren’t aware), many of us would probably also mock Elon sort something of the sort. It’s not malice. It’s simply not knowing something.

    Why couldn’t this commenter have maturely and informatively told OP why they were wrong? That would’ve made OP aware of their mistake and cautious of making similar errors in the future without discouraging them from contributing entirely. It’s clearly not difficult to do, as other comments did it.

    The only reason for someone to personally insult someone over this is because it makes them feel better, they find it funny, etc. It doesn’t help OP or the community. It’s just for someone to get a quick laugh from bringing down other people for not knowing something, and that’s not something people should support or condone on the fediverse.

  • Okay, being harsh and insulting just isn’t necessary. Yes, OP got something wrong — they posted something that they thought was significant but actually isn’t — but why not correct them like a reasonable person? In general, we should be trying to encourage discussion and foster a positive community, and that means treating other people like human beings when they don’t know much about space stuff.

    But noooooo, we need dopamine from cussing out people who’ve been on Kbin for a day because they dared post about satellites being lost without knowing that it doesn’t mean that much. You might as well have told them to fuck off and never come back. And of course, this is the comment that gets all the upvotes.

    How are people supposed to feel comfortable posting when any error they make is going to be met with insults and blocks? You’re talking to another person, ffs, and personally attacking them over something as small as this. Communities aren’t enjoyable when people are supporting this stuff.

  • Of course, this is a very fair point. Ideally, people would be willing to leave Twitter to join the artists, authors, etc. they follow. But unfortunately, many just won’t care enough about Elon’s buffoonery to ditch the convenience that Twitter provides.

    However, I think there’s a middleground between staying on Twitter and moving all operations to Mastodon. People could establish a profile on Mastodon for the people that do care so that those people can move knowing that they’ll still be able to see their favorite artists. Unfortunately, I imagine this is more difficult to do with Elon’s ban on links to alternatives (unless that’s been reversed at some point).