That’s how I felt learning that about her in Pirates of the Caribbean
Her facial structure makes her permanently look like a 23yr old.
Autistic, ADHD, and fuckin tired 😮💨
That’s how I felt learning that about her in Pirates of the Caribbean
Her facial structure makes her permanently look like a 23yr old.
I smoke all day everyday and drink myself to sleep each night. I’d consider both of those to be unhealthy.
Don’t do this yourself but alcohol and weed. Lots of it. Unhealthy amounts.
I don’t think it was winter they were just on top of a mountain.
Literally just throw me in a ditch idgaf as long as my body is allowed to naturally decay and recycle the energy back into the ecosystem.
Stop locking bodies in boxes that take decades to decay.
Yeah it was due to the “warheads challenge” where people would just shove warheads into their mouths.
Lots of hospital visits later the warheads company changed their formula.
This is funny because like 10 years ago or so they had to lower the amount of acid they put in warheads because people kept getting acid burns from eating too many.
Your standard bicycle has light too
No it doesn’t. It has reflectors but not actual lighting. I’ve almost hit a few cyclists who relied only on the reflectors on the wheels, front peg, and rear peg.
Hint: seeing the lights on a bicycle is easier when your wind shield isn’t 2 meters of the ground.
I’m not arguing pro cars here. My point is keep yourself fuckin safe. Don’t be stupid just because “bUt CaRs ArE tHe PrObLeM”
You can’t say they’re a problem and then act like they’re not a problem.
Complain all you want it’s perfectly valid. But do the shit you have to do to keep yourself the fuck alive.
Congratulations! I’m now blind and have a legitimate reason to run you over.
I get the sentiment here but as I’ll always say the car wins.
You can’t call it a death machine and then act like it’s not one.
Cars have lights built in. Humans don’t. Wear the fucking highvis and save your life.
Either that or start wearing light strips all over yourself.
Neither 😂
Who tf just donates half a lion?
How do you end up in a position where you have two halves of a lion to donate in the first place??
It’s not just boomers though. I work with a lot of younger people and they all still use xitter/facebook.
They either don’t know/care about alternatives because “everyone else is using it”
Instead of comparing these smaller platforms together to find out why one is better or not people should be focusing on why xitter and Facebook are still two of the most popular forms of social media.
Except what the leader of Germany decides to do doesn’t generally affect the entire planet. At the same time if the leader of Germany was a racist, sexist, fascist, bigoted piece of shit hell bent on becoming a dictator I’d wanna know about every detail.
“How do I bury my head in the sand and act like none of this is real?”
This is what everyone who says shit like this sounds like. I get that it’s not your country but the fact remains that it’s still going to effect you as well.
Women create most of their own issues and then blame men for not fixing them.
Obviously I’m not saying all their problems cause men are pretty fucked but most of the problems women complain about are because of other women.
Especially when it comes to beauty standards.
Honestly the gilded age never ended. It’s always been a shitshow wrapped in a bow.
Though they at least used to keep the bow looking nice.
I mean agreed but again everyone else needs to treat them as such as well.
You can’t call it a death machine and then act like it’s just a slight inconvenience. That’s how you die.
It reminds me of the whole “don’t speak ill of the dead” as if them dying suddenly exonerates them from being a massive pile of shit while they were alive.