Anyone know how good Hori’s d-pad is?
Anyone know how good Hori’s d-pad is?
That video!! Yeah, I don’t believe it either. Sort of reminds me of doing Kung Fu as a kid. We’d do public demonstrations and would sometimes ham it up a bit for the audience. I wonder if that’s what’s going on.
Have you practiced push hands? There’s a neat effect I can only describe as sort of being able to bounce off the other person. You can get some decent air with it! I also wonder if there’s a bit of that going on with a lot of exaggeration.
I agree with you about the “weird stuff”. I teach Tai Chi and I’m very careful about the words I use, especially when it comes to describing mechanical forces. I’ll often mention that I don’t mean some notion of “life force” but rather the physical Newtonian force that your body is subject to while performing the movements.
I find Tai Chi to be deceptively complicated with deep physical and psychological components. I have a hard time articulating what it is to others since it’s not really a martial art, and it’s not really meditation, and it’s not just a bunch of movements or calisthenics. But it does have very real effects and I love it!
It sounds like your experience is quite similar to mine and I’m happy you found a good teacher and are enjoying the practice! 😀
Whose turn is it next?
It’s based on Iced, but it looks like they have their own fork. Anyone know how extensive their changes are and how much gets merged upstream?
I can hear this photo!
Startrekers, Inc.
Was that the episode where he seduces the village elder’s daughter after winning 10 arm wrestling matches in a row at the tavern?
This is the story of a little ship that took a little trip
Came here to say exactly this.
I’d trust the piracy sites more actually. We don’t voluntarily give them our credit card and address.
He likes their opera?
The Steam Deck is the full package that not only integrates the hardware and software, but is also an open system. Slapping a some inputs together onto a windows PC just isn’t the same thing.
I think the officers do get some form of stipend. I can’t recall if this was mentioned directly in the show though.
Do we know if any Federation members use money?
I think it’s something being worked on. Unfortunately I can’t recall the details offhand.
In Star Trek, all the software is built by prompting some AI, so nobody knows what the fuck the code is actually doing. 😅
Allamaraine, then three more
Clearly you’ve never read Hacker News. :)
Every point I’ve made has several threads on pretty much every Hacker News post about Mozilla or Firefox.
I was using Firefox when it was still called Phoenix, and I switched to Chrome briefly about 10 years ago when it was actually a bit better than Firefox. At the time, most people I knew in the tech sector were using Firefox. It’s Firebug extension was a major boost for development. Chrome was a bit better and their dev tools were even better than Firebug at the time.
I switched back to Firefox when I saw the direction Google was taking it, and I know a lot of other people did as well. Still, many people stayed with Chrome. There’s no shortage of comments on Hacker News about “I dropped Firefox because X” or “I tried to switch to Firefox but X”, where X is one of the things I mentioned.
Chrome got to where it was in no small part to us “computer people” saying it was good. And now not enough of us are saying Firefox is good. It breaks my heart to see so many young and smart developers choosing Chrome.
We’re heading back to the bad old days of IE dominance, with proprietary extensions, playing fast and loose with standards, and market dominance pushing for things that only benefit one company. ActiveX still gives me nightmares.
I’ve never understood the logic of people who switched to Chrome from Firefox.
Mozilla has an overpaid CEO, so let’s switch to a browser that’s run by one of the richest companies on the planet. Firefox broke some extension, so let’s switch to a browser that has an even worse extension model. Firefox shows client side ads that are easily disabled, so let’s switch to a browser actually run by an ad tech company. Firefox changed the UI to look like Chrome (and they hate the design), so I guess switch to Chrome?
It makes no sense…
Graphically we’ve had diminishing returns for quite some time now. I also don’t find myself that interested in the games from major studios because they’re generally just not very good.
I don’t see a reason to artificially limit myself, but there are more then enough games from the past to keep me entertained.
That said there are some games on the horizon I am looking forward to. The next Witcher and Civ VII come to mind. I’m sure their GOTY editions will be great!