Also OK Cupid, but my wife and I also knew each other back in high school. So that was our icebreaker. Ok cupid was the only dating app I could actually use because everything else required a Facebook profile, which I do not have…
Also OK Cupid, but my wife and I also knew each other back in high school. So that was our icebreaker. Ok cupid was the only dating app I could actually use because everything else required a Facebook profile, which I do not have…
Of all the exemptions, locations in airports? Where they charge you $30 for a meal just because? Unreal…
Bad Religion was one of my high-school favorites that has stayed a favorite since. I have every one of their albums saved on my phone.
Dude was old and drove like an ass. I used to tell him he was gonna get his driver’s license taken away and he was gonna have to drive the forklift home on the shoulder of the highway every day lol
That depends on how the cops feeling. A guy I used to work with got pulled over for doing the speed limit in the left lane for “impeding traffic”
I got my wife’s ring on etsy. It’s pearl and opal, but there are a good bit of jewlers on etsy. I would do a bit of research on the shop before you buy though.
I don’t doubt this given YouTube record with the creators themselves. YouTube is a slimy company.
“I am so sorry” -my rogue, every other side quest
There is no way this is a real thought process lmao.
TBH I feel like any social media platform, regardless of voting displays, has the potential to become a toxic environment.
I’m with this guy. Do what I can to help, and carry on with my own agenda. Can’t control something? It is what it is. I wasted a few years of life worrying about the world as a whole when I should have been focusing on my own little bubble.
I got to like 65 on my rogue and have just been increasing nightmare dungeons slowly. Probably gonna just keep doing a few dungeons here and there when I get that itch and skip out on seasonal content myself.
Unfortunately, war is a billion dollar industry…
I’m guessing this is it. Pipes or vents.
I misspoke…er…typed, we get shot and have no real way to defend ourselves being wildly outgunned by police. Thanks for that PBS article btw. I hadn’t heard of a lot of these happenings, and I’m still reading through it.
I was gonna say, we get shot for protesting now…probably gotta change that part first.
Never feel bad about asking for a raise that you work for/deserve. Stay complacent, and they’ll just hope you never bring it up. Workers should have the power and leverage.
The chipotle/Qdoba near me has gone way too downhill in the past few years for me. The burritos used to be huge, now they’re the size of a small potato. Also 50% of the time they mess up my order and I don’t realize until I get home and open it up.
Seeing how the banking industry runs on the inside. I work in ATM rigging. Banks operate in a state of complete chaos if you were wondering. I’ve never seen an industry where money wasted/lost just doesnt matter to them. Join a credit union. Seriously.
Does it get hot by your front door or in direct sunlight? We have a few in my house that go off if our kitchen gets too hot. We had to move them down the hall slightly and they stopped. A really old one we have upstairs, hardwired into the house electric (built in 86) trips if too much steam builds up in the bathroom and let’s loose into the hall.