Wrong Leary. The devil’s talking about Timothy Leary, in this case.
Wrong Leary. The devil’s talking about Timothy Leary, in this case.
Jim Jeffries kills me with this bit. First time I saw it, I was crying with laughter…
Dating myself a bit here, but Meatloaf’s Paradise By The Dashboard Light, and Billy Joel’s Scenes from an Italian Restaurant are 2 that need to be on this list.
I think this one is actually doing the opposite of telling a story.
Images and Words, for that matter.
Carol of the Bells, by Trans Siberian Orchestra… Hands down.
Is that Matt Dillon at the beginning of that video??
Yeah…I read the last 4, too. Not all that long ago. I appreciated the nostalgia returning to The Land engendered…but…“a different caliber”, is a very diplomatic way to refer to them. Lol
Have read the first 6 books at least a half dozen times since my local librarian suggested Lord Foul’s Bane to 12 year old me in the early 80s. Little heavy for a pre teen, so I’m pretty sure she hadn’t read it herself…But those books ignited a lifelong passion for fantasy adventure stories. Saltheart Foamfollower is one of my absolute favorite characters of all time. Sooo many wild parts in those books. Good call!
Parking sensors, schmarking sensors. 64 tons of steel, tread and f*ck-you-firepower says I park where I want.
No one gives an Abrams a parking ticket.
Well, there goes that theory…
Was the “injured” guy’s name J. Walter Weatherman, by chance?
Parks and Rec, and Letterkenny, for me. Two of my absolutely most favorite shows. Both are ridiculous in the own way, but overall uplifting and positive.