Yeah probably if we took the immediate means of production and just tried to socialise them. Idk if doing what Lenin did back in the day would work now (just copying capitalist production and socialising it.)
Yeah probably if we took the immediate means of production and just tried to socialise them. Idk if doing what Lenin did back in the day would work now (just copying capitalist production and socialising it.)
This. Fruit trees are loads of work that most amateur gardeners don’t know how to deal with them or have the time to deal with them. Gardening and farming is a shitload of work and was only made cheap and easy through the marvel of modern technology. You don’t just plant shit and get to eat lol
Bruh you got left over crack but no choking victim?
Cannibal ox the cold vein. It’s not my favorite album but it’s good
Nah alabama3 were dope
How often do you listen to kids songs
Anarcho syndicalism is snakey af
Lenin was a mushroom
I agree btw
French communist party
Idgaf about politics my dude unless people start manufacturing Yassin rockets in their garages
Meh if you want a good critique of the Bolsheviks by somebody who actually was an old Bolshevik check out the book We instead.
I think to the Romanian election.
Let skills atrophy, help contribute to downfall of society.
The world was always a shitty place, we are definitely facing new and frightening challenges but they can be overcome it will just be difficult.
Kate just because I have to learn coding and it was installed and idgaf
Seeing as I invented this meme I’ll overuse it