Its a missile its just a minor missile we don’t need 50k missiles that haven’t cleared there orbital area
Its a missile its just a minor missile we don’t need 50k missiles that haven’t cleared there orbital area
Ha ha Ukraine try and blow up our planes now bombs just bounce off checkmate nato
This☝️ so true
Anyone read like comprehensive reading numbers of memory such as
Yep truns out a missile up the old exhaust pipe on landing is real bad for your health
Well now isn’t this surprising news that nobody could have seen coming lol
It was incredibly stupid to use Twitter like that considering your just given a 3rd party sensitive information and they have no incentive to keep that information secret
They can definitely hurt the cause of the assassinated 1 there dead 2 they can force the movement under ground by taking away its leadership
I have a structured settlement and I need cash NOWWWW
It was an accident drones were on holiday
Just block and move along I don’t have a block list till hexbear started showing up
Hopefully you can find a community that doesn’t support the Russian invaders so many Fascist loving people on this site
Good to see Ukraine pushing the invaders back
This is something the captain needs to do alone Mel no its not everyone opens fire
I love project hail merry the ending was excellent
Midwest.social because I live in wisconsin
Nobody wants to serve to mother land anymore Russia also Russia hanging and shooting there on soldiers on purpose and accidentally and accidentally on purpose
Putin is a right wing extremist how anyone who claims there a communist can turn around and be like Russia is the best like do these idiots votfor trump as well because trump is totally a Marxist communist
Kirk says money doesn’t exist in the voyage home
So they will stay children forever because that is what a communist is someone who is emotionally stunted