If you are looking for a way to find RSS/Atom feeds on sites you are interested in, but don’t list an RSS/Atom feed:
Here is a Textise version and the original version of a Zapier article talking about how to get an RSS feed manually from (many) sites that don’t list one.
I do this just because I like to and it takes but a few seconds to put through my QuiteRSS (GUI) or NewsReader (terminal based) feed reader apps.
Here’s the basics from the article (the article itself lists more and more in depth).
A shocking number of websites are built using WordPress—over 40% of destinations on the web. This means there’s a good chance that any website you visit is a WordPress site, and all of those sites offer RSS feeds that are easy to find.
To find a WordPress RSS feed, simply add /feed to the end of the URL; e.g., https://justinpot.com/feed. I do this any time I visit a website that I’d like an RSS feed for—it almost always works.
If it doesn’t work, here are a few tricks for finding RSS feeds on other sites.
If a site is hosted on Tumblr, add /rss to the end of the URL. Like this: https://example.tumblr.com/rss
If a site is hosted on Blogger, add feeds/posts/default to the end of the URL. Like this: example.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
If a publication is hosted on Medium, add /feed/ before the publication’s name. So medium.com/example-site becomes medium.com/feed/example-site
YouTube channel pages double as RSS feeds. Simply copy and paste the URL for the channel into your RSS reader. You can also find an OPML file for all of your subscriptions here.
Find an RSS feed for any site by checking the source code…
Just like there are very well educated but still bad scientists, very well trained but still bad singers, very high in position but still bad politicians, etc., etc., etc., there are also very vocal but still bad Christians.
The Bible is full of directions and warnings against oppressing those who are weaker. Those Christians who ignore or reinvent these are no different than an incompetent scientist who fakes or mucks up data, etc.
More, the New Testament explicitly warns that bad Christians will exist and that they should be ignored (and will not receive the rewards they think they will).
Some examples: