Closed peoples told me that she probably wanted a “nones of us knows” relationship, which is probably true.
Closed peoples told me that she probably wanted a “nones of us knows” relationship, which is probably true.
When i told her i love you
Thanks for you constructive comment.
the difference is that everyone else is just as free to not have to listen. You’re right, if you refuse to hear people’s opinions it’s your absolute right, even if i strongly disagree with it because i consider it being closed mind imo.
How is defederating an instance without asking your community first a democratic action ? they also did the same with piracy communities and everybody claimed that “they didn’t asked us first”.
I don’t care, i made it to be open to everyone and my opinions shouldn’t interfere with it.
Best crypto
What’s the difference between pirated keys and piracy ?
Or even buying it on instant gaming
I’ve started playing Fallout 1 after playing every 3D fallout games
I have not received any confirmation email
I don’t have time for this, also every persons i know see their health being ruined giving birth. So thanks but no, My health is more important.
Cold water
Communist football’s league
Also why so many downvote ?
Not my priority
Un peu de beurre mon bébé
J’ai rejoins Lemmy le 1 juillet 2023, ce qui veut dire que le mois prochain ça fera 1 an que je suis sur cette plateforme. Au début j’etait sur l’instance, mais depuis quelques temps l’instance est devenu quasi-inutilisable(impossibilité de l’utiliser sur pc, accessible uniquement sur mobile). Après 8 mois d’utilisation j’ai decidé de migrer vers étant donné que c’etait une instance francophone.
Any Thinkpad. Great compatibilitt with Linux, easily fixable, ergonomic and last long
They are ready to loose again
First song i learned was redemption song by bob marley