Yeah, them.
Yeah, them.
Geek is the non-pejorative form of nerd, I believe.
Not that I have seen
The squidracingteam sub all refer to themselves and each other as homo regardless of actual sexual orientation. I assumed you to have been one of them as it’s a common joke with them. Squid is used as a description of sportbike riders for how they tend to dart through traffic. My apologies for misinterpreting your use of the joke.
Shhhh, squid in training. He’s not talking about you.
Genghis went against the easter bunny. It was not ERBs proudest moment.
If any strike is illegal then they all are, and that is an immoral law that must be disobeyed!
I use the German word Gesundheit. It means health. I will offer it for most audible bodily functions, though, not just sneezes.
Writer doesn’t understand what SNAFU means.
45, Georgia, USA (though Florida born) and I daily a 5 speed xB.
Ha, I drink way more coffee on the weekends than I do during the work week. It’s definitely a recreational drug for me.
Names yourself after a communist, thinks communists are russian shills.
I’m going to take you at face value here because I want to believe. If true, that’s actually a really slick username.
I rarely smile at all, but I sure will lean when the opportunity presents itself.