my first instinct is to assume they’re using Ukrainians from occupied territories as meat shield
my first instinct is to assume they’re using Ukrainians from occupied territories as meat shield
I just hope the military generals have shredded and incinerated all intelligence regarding Ukraine before the Russian shills get their hands on it
I don’t have a technical issue at the moment… financial one 🤣
I store my data on an OLD my book Live 3TB HDD. Runs fine but it’s getting full now, and the day it decides to shut down I don’t have any backups.
So I want to buy at least a 2 bays RAID1 array.
I’ll plug it on my server directly, and that would become my NAS.
Maybe two 6TB drives, so I’ll double my existing storage?
I didn’t know I understand Ukrainian! Nice!
Couldn’t keep a straight face…
“The war is going so well, we don’t even need all this 1980’s futuristic technology! We are so good we can literally go medieval on these guys!”
I can’t wait to see the russian knights in chainmail armor next week, that’ll show Ukraine, right?
I admire the guy who thought he could karate-chop a drone. Seen too many Steven Segal film I presume
“You know the thing you had renounced so we wouldn’t invade you? just renounce it again, pretty please…. While we are coincidentally invading you”
The group causally strolling along the road and ignoring the wounded soldier like he’s asking for spare change…. Just wow
“We are all like a family here… so nobody asks questions and just do as they’re told or else they go to the naughty corner!”
Sounds like a regular afternoon in Paris
I think it was a translation of « je m’en bats les couilles »
(Which would translate more to “I slap my balls OF it”)
Ball grammar today… who would’ve thunk 😅
The very first ceasefire that was agreed WAY BACK WHEN for a holiday, you had Russian soldiers filming themselves gleefully boasting they were doing a surprise attack on Ukrainians anyway.
I thought the “Gulf War” was in fact the “GOLF War” and was happening at a golf course near our home… like … halfway to see uncle Peter!! 😅
From all the helmet throws… that has got to be one of them!
Mass Effect 1 is really like the first season of a TV show. The series was still finding its footing, but the story and characters make up for the grindy bits
I’m playing Minecraft on the Wii U with my daughter… and since the eShop closed a while ago, I didn’t have any issues unlocking all skins and DLCs by…. Alternative means 😅
I like the style of the Mass Effect texture pack, and it’s fun exploring the included map.
How good are these Ukrainian soldiers when even the Dark Souls barrel roll is no match for them?!??
Well…. Good to know air defence can’t even take down a small aircraft.
Time to invest in Cesna Bombers 🤣
They could not show the body at all and focus on the surroundings… you know: really take in the beauty of the country side… also maybe precise GPS coordinates…. For reasons…