More likely they got supplied with the Donkey, and the officer above them told them its coming out their paycheck.
I mean I’ve seen pictures of Ukrainians setting up punji sticks in abandoned trenches so I’m guessing old dugouts would be trapped as well.
About 72h going from a scouts camp into a festival. first 2 days included a lot of coffee, last day might have had a little coke sprinkled in.
Love that we provided it, hate that it’s needed.
If it involves any vehicles being able to emulate a controller and actually being able to control your turning speed or engine power by how deep your pressing the keys is a godsend. Not having to rapidly tap A/D to do a shallow turn makes driving actually fun on MnK.
Also being able to set certain keys u might fatfinger to a lower action point is really nice. Or desyncing activation and deactivation distance so you don’t accidentally release keys you need to hold for actions is great.
It’s really how a keyboard for gaming should have always been imo in terms of options and tuning, especially with a fast you can change the settings through the website or app.
If you’re gonna use it for games I can’t recommend a Wooting 60HE or another hall effect switch keyboard enough. Having full control over the actuation and reset point makes it feel more responsive than any mechanical keyboard I had before.
Not having a set point makes it so much more intuitive, moving downwards activates a key and moving upwards deactivates it. Instead of having to go past the hardware defined trigger point.
While I understand it’s impractical I hope they have our sick paint scheme on them. Let them know it was us.
The drop drones themselves seem to have gotten bigger as well as their munitions. Moving away from modified commercial platforms to purpose made ones probably made strapping bigger explosives to them easier and more common.
Not to discredit their work, but it’s basically a rugged drone with an antipersonnel munition strapped to its belly, most likely already made with Chinese PCBs and motors.
The drone part is something that already existed and I’m sure the Chinese have some kind of antipersonnel airburst munition already as well.
Pandora’s Box on drone warfare was opened a long time before the current invasion, although we haven’t yet seen the bottom of it.
Looks like you’re meant to dismount and use the saddle as an armrest
Cable is pretty much invisible to the naked eye beyond a few meters, imagine a hair made from glass. Might be able to track it on foot by running it through your hands but that doesn’t sound fun or safe for it’s 40km range.
Definitely not something another fpv drone will be able to spot and follow.
You can also make way longer strides if you have 2 of them, even less chances to set one off.
From what I’ve seen the wounded are left by their comrades, making sure they’re dead is mercy at this point.
Finally some useful spending of my taxes. Slava Ukraini
As a Dutchie I think it’s time to get new Amsterdam back. For the safety of the local cyclist of course.
Spotify is the only reason I don’t pirate 99% of my music (the other 1% is still played through it). Would go back to creating my own library
Why would you need to switch hands?
We got those here in NL, although they don’t transport patients afaik.
Big booms are always nice to look at!