What’s more visible at night, an all-black outfit or a rainbow outfit? A: The all black outfit because antidenialistbot doesn’t see color
What’s more visible at night, an all-black outfit or a rainbow outfit? A: The all black outfit because antidenialistbot doesn’t see color
The attitude of this community is no better than a rabid Trump community. You ostracize those who are willing to talk to you with no real agenda but providing context and insight.
I don’t love trucks but I love this reply, 100%
I use my toaster oven for quick things because it takes less time to heat up than my big oven. It does a good job with things like toast, fries, chicken wings - but it’s too small to cook, say, a pizza
Lots of racetracks sell packages like this, pay $$ to take out a certain car or groups of cars. But for lots of people it’s just as much about the tuning/improving of their own car as it is about the driving.
Thank you for the work that you do, and every person working in a hospital today ❤️
Stop drinking, you’ll save so much money and get ripped with barely any effort 💪💪
Which non-natives did you steal your country from?