I thought this instance was nice! That is weird
I thought this instance was nice! That is weird
Probably for faster loading times when playing games on the hardware during off peak hours jk jk lol
I like it. I’m just waiting for someone to bring it up as a mark against our instance somehow
Are you a Vulcan? O_o
Either way you have my thanks. Greatest utility value as well as greatest hilarity value!
Oh my god someone finally fell for it! Please don’t edit your comment, you just made my day
I’ll speak more plainly. No, It’s not a conspiracy, it’s an ideology
neovim on kiTTY
Hey that’s my combi too!
I’d probably use my own niche text editor
An ideology which serves the owners and is propagated by they and us, for reasons both cynical and genuine. But ultimately, I believe, serves the owners best.
Well that’s where we disagree then
I don’t see any reason to bring conspiracies into it, it’s just the way people are socialised to think of poorer workers as inferior, or workers with the most perks as the “betters.” I’m not accusing you of this, but it’s a part of the same dividing principle outlined in the op.
Like I’m sitting at 6 figures fucking around on my phone while someone fixes my dishwasher downstairs, so I’m feeling the privilege intensely atm. I recognise there are real, material differences between individual workers.
However when talking about class specifically, I think it’s very important that we don’t muddy the waters between workers.
I think that’s what’s got people (myself included) riled up by your comment.
I read your comment, but I disagree that pointing to a common working class is “kind of silly.” It does not erase anything else you said. It’s just one category.
The point is we all sell our labour for money, and we can never stop doing that - not how much money we get in exchange for our labour.
I’m definitely working class
I’m very comfortable
These are not mutually exclusive. We can acknowledge our privilege but still recognise that we are in solidarity (or should be) with those who have fewer privileges.
No one is saying you’re the same, and certainly not the same in every way except class.
It’s like me saying that both myself and Sid Meier are both millennials does not mean we’re in every other category together.
Hell yeah. I think it was Spyro – anyway, some psx game – that had to literally go through the source code and declare integers like i
outside of loops, so they could be reused. All so the game would fit on disc.
This is giving me CICS interface flashbacks. Anyone who worked retail or call centre or adjacent 20+ years ago probably remembers getting really good at using these kind of bespoke CMS front-ends (Bell folks might “fondly” remember ARICS and BCRIS).
Most of the time we don’t think about it, because anything medical often comes with its own stress, so just thinking about that is front of mind.
It’s only after the dust settles and we’re all back home and safe that we might say something like “whew glad that’s over! Can you imagine if we had to worry about money on top of that?”
Truly once you’re used to single payer, the American alternative seems like lunacy. I cannot imagine the stress of combining some if life’s biggest medical decisions with financial considerations
I’d go on but my socials timer is about to go
Damn that sounds like a fun read.
Maybe your awareness splits with each copy, so you go from an “I” to a “we.” No such thing as a “master” copy then, just different organs of the same meta entity
I can hear this