I liked iron man and winter soldier and the sound mixing was good.
I liked iron man and winter soldier and the sound mixing was good.
It’s loud when you have to release the back pressure of an exhaust with mufflers to scavenge more power by using a less restrictive muffler and it’s actually more fuel efficient. If you have a large turbo, you can actually overheat your engine because there’s not enough flow to release the heat. Sometimes people are assholes and like loud mufflers without having tune or supporting modifications. Harleys are loud just to be loud and have no power. Supercars are loud because they have more power. Hyundai Ionic N electric vehicles are loud just to be loud and pretend it’s an internal combustion engine.
I do 4 10s, 7 to 5 l, have of weekends and Thursdays.
The irony of the last quote. Keep fighting while the billionaires take everything.
The early 80s will happen again until the late 90s come back, So Reagan then Clinton. Crime will go up, Graffiti, homeless etc The rent is skyrocketing like when Reagan took over. The economy works when the middle class does well and we can’t keep funneling the money higher up. When the middle class can afford a home and cooperations stop buying them up to lease that might help.
The upper class: keeps all of the money, pays none of the taxes. The middle class: pays all of the taxes, does all of the work. The poor are there…just to scare the shit out of the middle class." -George Carlin’
That’s the way the ruling class operates in any society: they try to divide the rest of the people; they keep the lower and the middle classes fighting with each other so that they, the rich, can run off with all the fucking money. Fairly simple thing… happens to work…" -George Carlin
Wait till you find out about chlormequat
Sperm is life, protect sperm from being desecrated and thrown up everywhere.
I once parked my mk4 GTI at a Texas Walmart parking lot
she’s so pretty
300k people mostly forced to fight.
where’s og dax
Captain Phillips
is the footballer her boyfriend?
I’ll water board you
Best animated movie for me and overall one of my top 10. howls moving castle and spirited away areup there too.
They’re really playing chess by using their people as sacrificial pawns.
when people are in warehouses working at 120f temp, somethings gotta happen.
Sometimes being in my little car driving in NYC is more relaxing or faster. Most of the time taking public transportation takes the same amount of time as driving, so I’ll pick driving so I don’t have to be cold or hot while waiting or to deal with other people. The argument for making more public transportation faster, more frequent is a good one and would make more people use it.