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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Conscription is slavery.

    Hardly. They’re paid. There are exemptions for medical conditions and other things (I think medical students get exempted, and some choose to serve with the police, instead.) It’s not a perfect system by any stretch, but it’s not slavery.

    That said, I’m against it overall. There are more and more rich kids “mysteriously” getting exempted. You’re expected to join by the age of 22, which interrupts university for many. And, it promotes a huge boy’s club where they learn to smoke and drink and preserve the patriarchy. It’s created a large gender divide where many young men are upset women are finally starting to get something closer to equal treatment (still not equal by any means) in the workplace here, but men are still expected to serve their time while women finish their higher educations and get a head start in the workplace. Honestly, if they’re going to have mandatory military service, they should just make it mandatory for women, too.

  • Science fiction is going to age poorly. A lot of it is already hilariously dated. Look at most of Star Trek. They’re flying at FTL speeds through space with artificial gravity, teleportation, lifelike androids, and replicator technology, but their screens absolutely suck. More and more of those inconsistencies are going to add up over the centuries and make things ridiculous after a while.

    The number of new things that people enjoy dwindles with age. Just about everyone agrees that the music that was being made when they were teenagers is the epitome of the art. Are you going to be able to enjoy anything when you’re 2563 years old?

    The older you get, the faster time apparently moves. Having grown up in the 80s and 90s, on some days, even “The year 2000!!” still feels like it should be the future to me. I can’t imagine what even a few centuries would do to this phenomenon, let alone a millennium or megaannum (I had to look that word up.)

    On the upside, presuming I’m the only immortal, I’ll be the only person currently alive to see if they actually finish that performance of Organ2/ASLSP in Halberstadt.

  • Not for science fiction literature, guitar pedals, and synthesizers which was primarily what I went to Reddit for in the first place. There was some effort to get those communities going here back during the mass migration here from Reddit, but they’ve never really thrived. It sucks, but I’m not going back. I take a peek at r/synthesizers on occasion, and really it’s just a gaggle of self-promoting synthtubers and umpteen iterations of “what should I buy?”.

  • Often, all this music software is used in solitude

    Beethoven composed in solitude, too.

    Yes, there’s something about a live performance that can’t exactly be reproduced jamming with yourself in your bedroom, but that doesn’t mean that great music can’t come out of both processes.

    Beato is definitely channeling a little “git offa mah lawwn!” vibes. The reason we don’t get any more Led Zeppelins or Pink Floyds or whichever brand of classic rock he worships at the altar of isn’t because there aren’t talented musicians making music. It’s because the circumstances that those artists thrived under no longer exist, and likely never will again.