Livin on the edge 🎶
That’s clearly a golf course photoshopped in
The toxin responsible for this is amatoxin
Yes… Yes you are…
Something needs to be done but affirmative action isn’t it. It’s just a bad policy.
Nice try
People need to lameduck their code more
Here’s a model recreation of the cheese molecule entering the cheese receptor
Yeah! Nobody uses CRT monitors anymore.
I’d be surprised if that’s true. Do we have any data on this or is this just “seems to make sense” stuff.
Contribute positively… By the way, this is not it.
The thing is if you want content, people feeding you it are a small minority doing most of the work.
Help them and maybe they’ll post happier stuff.
What you carry and what carries you don’t really compare though.
I think we should learn from that. Maybe all forms of power solely resting within the governing function invites corruption.
I haven’t given up yet on it because capitalism is definitely not working right now but there is a form of communism that you can have an informed and rational fear of.
Still horrific. Stop enabling child mutilation.
Both are kinda horrific.
I was amazed when I visited a plywood factory and they made straight cut at an angle so they dont have to stop the wood from moving through the line.
All glory to the bidet!
Me and my friends converted a few years back and we used to sing over Michael Jackson “Beat it” but with “Bidet” instead.
There is no way back for us.