That’s what I started on! Honestly, RAM is likely to be your biggest bottle neck. Pretty much anything will be doable though, with enough swap and a fast drive. Just don’t expect great performance.
That’s what I started on! Honestly, RAM is likely to be your biggest bottle neck. Pretty much anything will be doable though, with enough swap and a fast drive. Just don’t expect great performance.
When I’m home it is usually my wife that notices first. That said, when I’m away from home I almost immediately notice any issues. My self hosted services are the backend for almost everything I use. Just need to find a decent replacement for GoodNotes on iOS.
Personally, I use Gitea. My needs are simple though and I probably don’t use 99% of what it can do.
I largely stopped using Reddit,so…… Can’t say I care.
Without knowing your system utilization numbers it’s impossible to give good recommendations.
I recently upgraded my system from a 4th gen i5 with 8 GB ram (Main board maxed) to a 6th gen i5 with 64 GB of ram (Again max out the main board).
Before the upgrade I was sitting at 95% ram usage + 3 GB swap usage with the proc averaging 0.56 load, io wait was averaging 30%. In other words, I was clearly RAM bound.
After the full body transplant, I was using 23 GB ram with a 1.52 load average and 0 swap. Io wait at 3%.Not enough time for averages yet, but there was night and day difference in application performance.
Let your system stats dictate what you need to upgrade.
Same for iOS with the added pain that iOS will kill the background process if you don’t open it back up from time to time.
Edit: spelling
And at least in my case, shipping got faster once I canceled my prime. Lol. Fast shipping had been the only reason I had signed up in the first place.
That, and you have to take into account each person’s available hardware and resources.
I have an under powered 10 year old desktop, a resonably specd 5 year old laptop with a busted screen, and 8 Raspberry Pi’s (3s and 4s). And can’t currently afford better hardware.Sometimes clustering those Pi’s makes sense.
You can use whatever you have to hand.
My issue wasn’t quite that easy but it wasn’t as headache inducing as I had thought. Turns out, last time I had rejiggered my services I had failed to delete a now unused fstab entry. One pound sign, save file and a reboot later and everything was back up and running correctly. I lucked out! Now tiem to move my Nextcloud backups off that machine!
Saving this one. That’s funny, and possibly useful
Thank you! This will prove helpful whenever I get around to spinning up my own instance.
Adapt or die. It’s not really that difficult a concept.
Not suprised. A lot of people in the US have ancestral links to slavery. I don’t judge a person for the sins of their parents. I judge them for their own sins.
I see youngsters are bringing back the prison aesthetic. WTF! It was fucked up enough the first time around.
What’s next? Bright orange jump suits as fashion?
I believe that votes are private in the sense that they are out of view unless you go digging for them. A bit like stepping behind a curtain to have a conversation in a room full of people.
As for saved posts, Looking at the documentation, I think that that is local to your home server only.
That’s a new reference for me. I had to look that up. :-)
I may have gotten to word wrong. I’m afraid speak only two languages. Horrible English and even worse Spanish.
I meant the box that old timey politicians used to stand on so they could be seen by a crowd while they spewed nonsense out of their mouths.
Only if your home server remains unfederated. Even then other users of the server will be able to see everything. And will be more likely to remember, like miss Busy Body.
As for this being experimental software. Yes? So? So is the internet. It has really only been under strain for 20 years. (It older then that, I know. I grew up using dialup to BBSs. Then USENET. Then AOL.) We are still making this shit up as we go along. But it’s best not to forget human nature.
As for your last statement, yea…… I’m going to just let that one be…
Quite. But she is usually sweet and was often the first to help pick you up when you fell. ‘Cause god knows she was probably there watching.
But now that I’ve actually had time to read your post, I stand by my original comment except to add this:
What in God’s name makes you think that you aren’t being tracked on the Fediverse! It’s an open damned platform! Everyone can see everything! Whether they care or not is another matter entirely.
Personally, I think yes, it is worth it, However your friends bookkeeper might shit a brick. Building up IT infrastructure from the ground up is not cheap. Although storage cost is coming down.
Seriously, running with Google and company will be cheaper in the short term. What you can potentially gain doing it yourself however is resilience from catastrophic 3rd party events. If your not dependent on a third party for your IT infra, it doesn’t matter what they do, or don’t do. For a recent example: