Does it save route history? Or destinations? That’s one feature I like with Google, disregarding any privacy concerns.
Does it save route history? Or destinations? That’s one feature I like with Google, disregarding any privacy concerns.
After my last gf it took me 4 years to find someone. I was going through grief on the prospect of being single for a long time. Then when the acceptance hit I rode it like it was the last step on grief. I just do me, meaning I watch movies by myself, eat out by myself, do stuff by myself. Most of my friends are couples so it’s easy to escape a crowd. I had my best vacation by booking 4 days earlier than the group and stay at a hostel and join randoms in their adventure. Sometimes it’s awkward but I didn’t try too hard so when one experience sucks I went to the next one. TLDR: I drown myself with hobbies and things I like to do and didn’t actively look for someone. But when it feels like going for someone then I date.
If you want to catch then when they land you can slowly approach them with both hands like you’re gonna clap. They will try to avoid one hand and fly to the other hand and you can catch it.
Fan works. Bubble maker like the one on weddings can discourage fly and mosquitoes.
I use rubber band like on a rubber band pistols to shoot them when they land.
Let the friendly lizard and spiders stay around the house. They will help you get rid of them.
No balcony! Stay at sea level, no private jets. But no boats, no sea or body of water. Or no mushroom gathering.
Is it still a Apple podcast?
I think it’s the cluster bombs that hit ground and exploded. The first black one was the explosion high up to spread the smaller bombs.
I wonder what he is saying.
Lethal explosions like these looks better than the “serious injury” only on early FPV.
I hope that is a face of exhaustion and not from a fatal explosion near him. Looks like his nose is bleeding and close to passing out.
Not sure if you can switch your Facebook to Canada but because of a recent law Facebook stopped serving Canadian all news. I swear it’s less anxiety inducing.
I block all news and politics communities. Also if Elon started rumbling again about annoying things I block the words Elon, musk and Elon musk.
Not for 10 years. Sign up data plans looks so good until the cheap period is over. I got a good unlimited plan that I’ve been holding on for years.
Oh yes. This one is good too. They give legit installation tips.
We have the best Linux distro, no-poop weekend and eating butt tips and tricks.
I think I will still come to work. Maybe less shackled by bills to keep working but volunteering to work cause I love what I do
Looks like it went through his leg.
What is this HOA fee! Are they giving you a car after 5 years? /s
Anti-depressants might help.