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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • If they find your coded diary, they are just going to torture you until you reveal how to decipher it if they have even a remote reason to suspect you. Everyone thinks they’re a tough guy until they’re waterboarded or they have their fingernails or teeth pulled out with a pair of channel locks. Everyone breaks under torture. The idea that someone can last until they’re killed is a Hollywood fantasy for action films.

    The idea that governments are going to expend valuable resources like learned individuals or AI to crack some individual’s code is just Hollywood thinking. If you’re a suspect, the government will monitor you. If you do anything to make them up their suspicion, they will bring you in. They aren’t going to spend untold amounts of money deciphering every suspect’s diaries or writings. They’ll just torture it out of you, either physically(fastest) or mentally.

    And let’s just put this out there - if some desperate person fingered you for being whatever, having anything written in code is as good as being guilty to them. You will not return to your previous life. At best you’ll be released and monitored till the government tires of you or it falls. The latter is no guarantee it will end. Just because the government might be replaced doesn’t mean that those taking over will view any more favorably. After all, if you were deemed to be a security threat before, what makes you think they won’t take that to heart. Once deemed a security threat you will always be a security threat, even to those who you may identify with.

  • Have you seen how much it costs to screen for diabetes? I think you can an A1c screen for like $20, but if you’re strapped for cash, that can be a lot of money. And a blood glucose screen can easily run over $100. And it requires fasting and going to a lab unless your doctor’s office is equipped to run the test. If this works, it reduces all that to just speaking into the microphone, wait a moment, and it spits the results out.

    Just because we can do something easily now does not mean there isn’t room for improvement to make it even easier and possibly cheaper. Especially when you take into consideration how hard it can be to get some patients to follow the rules(i.e. actually fast) and/or follow through.

  • Once, in the middle of the day when it was bright and shiny, I pulled into a lot. I realized it wasn’t attached to the place I wanted to go, so decided to go through the lot and head out another entrance. Except the two lots weren’t connected. In fact the lot I was in was raised about a foot higher than the other lot. My tires stopped right on the very edge. Again, this was in the middle of the day with the sun shining. And it was obvious as fuck, as well.

    You think you would notice, but the fact is your brain pulls crap like this on you all the time. Right now you can’t see the holes in your vision caused by your optic nerves. And it isn’t that your visual cortex is merely taking data from one eye to cover a deficiency in another. Close one eye and the hole is still not visible. The visual cortex and the systems it is connected to let you see what they want you to see. I am not asking how could he not notice, but rather, what was his brain doing to make him not realize. Because even in pitch black, with headlights it would still be visible that there is no bridge.

  • There is a section of road in my town that I’m guessing was suppose to have a bridge over the local river, but it never happened. The road leads right up to the river bank. In the 30 years I’ve lived here, there has always been a road block and warning. When a flood wiped out the warning and road block in 2015, they put a new one up. This is 100% the fault of whatever governmental entity is supposed to take care of stuff like that. Whether he was using Google Maps or a Rand-McNally road map is irrelevant because the first line of defense for having kept this from happening is on the local government.