Look to improve at whatever you compete in. Then losing is an opportunity, not a failure.
Look to improve at whatever you compete in. Then losing is an opportunity, not a failure.
Castro was a lawyer as was Lenin. Che was a medical doctor.
It’s linked in this thread guy
I feel like people saying they don’t like in-n-out are just being contrarian for no reason. The fries are fresh cut, the burgers are fresh cooked and if you’re going to insist that they’re comparable to McDonalds, the food is 1/3 the price (and the toppings are undeniably more fresh).
I’ve had whataburger and I spent 18$ on what I considered to be at best standard fast food. I can get a 4x4 at in-n-out, leave absolutely stuffed for like 8$.
Okay yeah but I know what all those variables do
No one gives a shit about Hunter Biden outside the Fox News bubble, guy. As for me, having a son who does drugs with sex workers is about the last thing for which I hate Joe Biden.
Blowback is the most incredible podcast I’ve listened to. If you like behind the bastards, blowback is better, entire seasons on particular historical events.