Invisible War is fine. It doesn’t live up to the orginal but it’s still a good game.
Invisible War is fine. It doesn’t live up to the orginal but it’s still a good game.
Hey would you recommend becoming a therapist?
I love Tom! I was originally going to go down this line with my comment and didn’t think anyone would get it. Thanks.
I mean Jesus is pretty tasty in small doses as is.
Fascinating thanks for sharing.
What if an extraterrestrial had the same mitochondria? Would sort of scientific impact would that have of our understanding of everything.
I recently built a small hitbox style controller as well. Really fun to play on. Still bad at the game though lol. I am finding this a lot easier on my hands and wrists.
Seems cool I always love a Solderless solution.
They just don’t want us to be happy.
Well I’m excited. I loved the first back in the day and everything tomorrow corp touched is aesthetically pleasing.
Comparing a carcinogen to a video.
Have you tried the dark siders games? Very interesting world building in the first 3 the genre jumps a bit but the first is more of a Zelda like and the second a prince of Persia like (with a light loot system) the third wants to be a souls like.
I went from an iPhone X to a 15pro and didn’t see my bill increase. Are you sure they aren’t quoting for you to finance the phone through them?