Licenses for sublime text 2 just said “and future updates”. I remember the “lifetime” thing being a selling point on producthunt. This was back in 2013 though, and the weird way the licensing change was handled made me switch to emacs.
Licenses for sublime text 2 just said “and future updates”. I remember the “lifetime” thing being a selling point on producthunt. This was back in 2013 though, and the weird way the licensing change was handled made me switch to emacs.
Before sublime text 3 all updates were included in the single license, not just major revision updates. This was back in 2013.
Before the one license=one version switch in 2013 the license stated “and future updates” which they did, but they switched to needing to pay for new licenses for some reason. I remember that being the primary reason I switched to emacs.
After having been shafted by sublime text I will never believe anything called a “lifetime subscription” is such.
A “lifetime subscription” is just a “until we decide otherwise” subscription
Nowadays I’d say that applies more to balatro than anything else
We got rid of our stand-ups in favor of a morning slack check-in in the group channel.
We even have a little bot that lets you input them at any time before the scheduled deadline and reports them all at once so you don’t have to put it in in the morning (many people prefer reporting on their day at the end of the day).
This combined with a robust pull request system means that a lot of work can get done async.
We have occasional meetings but they’re pointed and specific between only the people that need to talk so nobody’s time feels wasted.
It took like 2+ years to develop this culture but it’s worth it.
Oh good another Premium Friday
Yea a surprisingly small number of people don’t know a git remote can literally be any folder outside of your tree, over almost any kind of connection.
I thought about doing a forge but realized that if I was the only one working on this stuff then I could do the same thing by setting my remote to a folder on my NAS.
Mostly decking about.
no rocket as powerful as this one.
So I’m confused on this because people still seem to be using Starships’s old estimates of 100 tons to LEO orbit, which the SLS can put 145 tons to LEO.
Then 6 months ago Musk got on stage and updated the specs to Say that Starships’s current design can only do 40-50 tons.
This feels awfully familiar for anyone that’s seen early Tesla specs/presentations/promises and I can’t help but wonder as to the validity of everyone saying SpaceX is mostly insulated from Musk’s “influence.”
Easiest? Tailscale., set it up on the server and each client you want to access it and it creates auto-resolving P2P VPN tunnels between them all.
I’ve been using the beta. The HDMI CEC features are very nice but the operation is still spotty.
You should play voices of the void then. Game is chock full of random spooks with lots of very quiet and relaxing downtime, so they hit pretty hard when they happen.
Isn’t that the carrier they were using as a theme park
They didn’t really cancel it, it kept going through corona when the entire staff went remote so the conversation stopped cause everyone was kind of working on their own desired time anyway.
Microsoft continues to do full remote and “hybrid” (only coming into the office once or twice a week) work schedules depending on your position and responsibilities.
Edit: I also wanted to add some clarity about Japan’s labor laws and how they interfere with a more “lax” labor schedule.
Japan requires employers submit the actual working schedules of employees and proof that they’re working those schedules (usually either time cards) as a way to prevent overwork.
This obviously doesn’t work in many cases because bosses will force their employees to work past their time clocks in or work during nomikais.
And on the other hand, this prevents teams in larger organizations from taking more hands-on approaches to their work schedules by forcing employees to work the schedules they’re assigned.
What a lot of foreign companies and companies that do full remote do is exactly the same as “black companies”: they fake their employees time cards so they can take a day off even when the official work schedule says they were working that day.
Japan needs some reform in their labor measuring practices before 4-day work weeks (a surprisingly popular reform, given Japan’s penchant for conservatism in the workplace) can take hold properly.
All the old people think women shouldn’t be working so they are against pro-natal workplace policies and a disturbingly large amount of young people are doom-pilled enough they think pro-natal workplace policies are unfair to them because they don’t want to have kids.
I’d say mostly energy savings and CPU usage efficiency
Ah, no not the template files for the individual containers, but the project descriptors are just compose files.
They’re 1-1 compose files.
The app just saves them as compose files and then runs docker compose in the backend.
it is EXTREMELY barebones
It was over eleven years ago at this point so my memory may be hazy on the details but I remember something happening in the major version change that pissed me off enough to switch off of it. 🤔